View Full Version : No more panic, but now derealization is even worse.

06-12-2013, 07:36 PM
It's been a week since I last posted on here. My Zoloft has started to really have an effect on me. I'm no longer having any attacks and even sleeping at night. My big problem now is that nothing feels real. At least when I was having an attack I felt something. Now it's as though I'm already dead. My ability to tell reality from what is fake is getting blurry.. I'm functioning just fine and everyone around me is happy that I'm not in a constant state of worry. I still say what I normally would and everything, it's just like I'm not actually experiencing it. I'm afraid that my new perception on life will stay.. The way I'm currently viewing everything is just apathetic. I have to wonder if there's more to life. I'm feeling more and more disconnected as I examine the world around me. I've always been someone who has been very in touch with their emotions, I feel nothing anymore. I keep imagining hurting myself just to feel something. I haven't and I have no past of self-harm. I have been on Zoloft before and don't remember experiencing anything like this. I'm not sure if it's just my body still adjusting to the medicine or what. Any advice would be helpful. Thank you in advance.

06-12-2013, 08:29 PM
Maybe the dosage is too high? I'd talk to your doc about that.