View Full Version : horrendous night!!

Alice Pimm
06-12-2013, 08:34 AM
i had my worst ever anxiety attack last night. my head was uncontrollable. felt like all my insides were trying to escape ny body. i kept jumping and shaking. my throat feels funny like someone has rubbed some sort of numbing cream on it and my eyes are hazy. is this familiar for anyone???

06-12-2013, 08:39 AM
i had my worst ever anxiety attack last night. my head was uncontrollable. felt like all my insides were trying to escape ny body. i kept jumping and shaking. my throat feels funny like someone has rubbed some sort of numbing cream on it and my eyes are hazy. is this familiar for anyone???

Hello yes that sounds like a full on anxiety attack,it feels like your not there,I fully understand how your feeling x

06-12-2013, 11:00 AM
i had my worst ever anxiety attack last night. my head was uncontrollable. felt like all my insides were trying to escape ny body. i kept jumping and shaking. my throat feels funny like someone has rubbed some sort of numbing cream on it and my eyes are hazy. is this familiar for anyone???

Yeah I've had those exact symptoms b4

Alice Pimm
06-12-2013, 01:01 PM
i honestly felt like i was dying. like i was going to pass out. ive never been so scared

06-12-2013, 01:19 PM
ive actually been having those symptoms for the last few days myself. its been a bit weird for me because I've never actually experienced these symptoms before, but have been told they are symptoms xD