View Full Version : What an interesting week.. :|

06-12-2013, 06:28 AM
Hey AF brothers & sisters,

I haven't been around lately. I had to put myself into an area of deep thought and reflection about my trainwreck life. LOL! I learned alot too.

I started having those "WTF?" kinda days again. Like, what's next in this life. It has been extremely tough to go from busy, active, strong, happy, healthy, wealthy, 2 businesses, lots of work, to I can hardly get out of my own damn car or climb the stairs in my own house. All changed literally in an instant. I'm ok with that now. There is NO other choices to make.

I also noticed that I was ripping everyone around me apart, angry, aggressive, overpowering. It is my nature to do that, when it's appropriate to do. Not directed at the people that I care about and the ones that have always been there for me. Not FAIR to others, to be in a "mental state" of my own. In fact, selfish on my part. I changed that all today. I will not hammer anyone else, for anything, again.

I learned the real reasons why my GF drives me up the walls, makes me insane, frustrated, angry, and I said some pretty nasty things too. I have made amends. I will not fail her or I in that regard again. She is an INTP. Now, I know that very few of you even know what that means but let's just say that she is my complete opposite. That was the problem. She would encounter many different things in her life, business, family, and she would not "react" in any way at all. I didn't understand that at all! I "react" to a snowflake hittin the window! A fly in my home! I "over react" she does not "react" at all. It isn't wrong, it is just her being her. I can not demand her to be like me. I accept that now. INTJ + INTP = holy shit! OMG!! ...opposites attract? Geeze..ok.

I also learned that my youngest daughter has my same personality and also some extra added features of our personality traits. I explained them to her, showed her all the literature, and believe it or not, her anxiety eased up so much to a point that she is again smiling and not taking any medications either. She understood why she felt the way she did around other people and about certain situations all together. She did a complete 180 and went to school too. I showed her a stupid advertisement that said "I saved 100% on stress today by switching to not giving a f***". She chose to live that, it worked. I will post that photo but hope I don't get into trouble. LOL!

I know that we all have our own unique struggles and also that we all have to find our own unique ways to get through them too. It is (YOU) that can help (YOU) the most. Just by looking at things from a different perspective and trying to get off of these same ideas, thoughts, concerns, that we have daily.


Have a great day all!


(forgot my new avatar) :)