View Full Version : Anxiety seems to be in control of life

06-12-2013, 01:29 AM
I have recently turned 30. In my life there seems to be discrepancy between the self I want to be and the self I am. Anxiety has a lot to do with this incongruence. I overanalyze things and try to always make the perfect moves which often leads to no move. I procrastinate and avoid things due to anxiety. Riding though challenges in life is really difficult. I internalize problems in my life. Anxiety has a lot of power and I hope to diminish that power so I can let my true self shine forth.

06-12-2013, 05:47 PM
Everything you wrote is so true. I understand way too well, especially the perfectionism. There's such a strong emphasis on taking responsibility for one's emotions and regrets and "owning it" but I'm starting to let myself admit that if I had any power over it, I wouldn't be here.

Please stick around, I've only been here a couple days but there are some wonderful, compassionate, insightful people here who have been through it and have a lot to offer.

06-12-2013, 06:50 PM
Both of you have reached the inner levels of what anxiety does to thinking. It is effective, so you're on the right track to help yourself move past this fear.

Best wishes, and know you are not alone with this. Sometimes, we have to just push our way through it to find our inner power of calm.

06-13-2013, 04:09 PM
Thank you for your encouragement. I've felt on the brink of a breakthrough at various times but I end up backsliding every time and I want to identify why that is and if I can prevent it.