View Full Version : Head pressure

06-11-2013, 10:35 PM
If it isn't one thing is the other! I'm fed up!!!
Do you guys get head pressure??? it's hard for me to believe all this junk is anxiety related!!

06-11-2013, 10:40 PM
Yes, I had a ton of weird feeling head pressure after a major panic attack. It lasted around 2 weeks until one night I got a massive adreneline rush while running (only one I've ever had) and it faded quickly after that. Another time I had one it lasted about a week then went off.

06-11-2013, 10:42 PM
Yes, I had a ton of weird feeling head pressure after a major panic attack. It lasted around 2 weeks until one night I got a massive adreneline rush while running (only one I've ever had) and it faded quickly after that. Another time I had one it lasted about a week then went off.

I've had those too! The massive head rush adrenaline feeling!! What is all that dude!!???? :/

06-11-2013, 10:46 PM
I've had those too! The massive head rush adrenaline feeling!! What is all that dude!!???? :/

no no, like I was exercising and had an actual adrenaline rush, the kind that feel good, it felt like natural ecstasy. I'm just saying that after that it pretty much cured it. Try pushing your heart to the limit and see if you can get one. Any good cardio should do.

It will go away in due time, don't worry.

06-11-2013, 10:49 PM
no no, like I was exercising and had an actual adrenaline rush, the kind that feel good, it felt like natural ecstasy. I'm just saying that after that it pretty much cured it. Try pushing your heart to the limit and see if you can get one. Any good cardio should do.

It will go away in due time, don't worry.

I will take your advice.. Thanks..
but it's hard to workout when ur feeling like crap! :/

06-12-2013, 04:34 AM
Past few weeks I've had pressure between my eyes, makes my head feel heavy, and is especially bothersome when I'm in the car for some reason. I don't know. Probably just from stress. You may not realize it but your shouldera, back, or neck muscles may be tense which could in turn cause discomfort in your head. I know I've been clenching my jaw a lot recently. I'll catch myself doing it a million times throughout the day even after I tell myself to stop, which is probably what's causing it for me.