View Full Version : help! anxiety, panic, and OCD (now phobia!)

08-27-2007, 11:25 PM
ok, please help me. i have had GAD/OCD/Panic for awhile. i am 34 and have developed some great coping skills.

i am also in the medical field, but not psych-oriented. this might sound dumb, but i need to vent. (i am new here).

ok, so i am in the medical field and do a lot of blood draws/procedures. i don't mind blood. get this, i was in the OR the other day and all of a sudden i got light-headed, racing heart, and felt like i was going down. what?!

now, i am scared that i will drop the next time i have to perform this procedure! i was watching someone do this new procedure that i will have to do and i got light-headed and such. not a full-blown panic attack, but tingles, racing heart, etc. it makes no sense.

can i actually hit the floor from vaso-vagal response from all this?

i mean, i have never been like this. this is my career!!! why on earth did this just pop-up out of the blue. it's like a pilot suddenly being afraid to fly.

i cannot see ANY reason why aside from my brain is broken from OCD/anxiety.

i have myself all worked-up now. i can't avoid this phobia when the feared object is part of my job.

i only hope that i get through the procedure without hitting the floor and over time i will "get back on the saddle" again.

so, do you think i could vaso-vagal? or just feel like this because of anxiety?


08-27-2007, 11:51 PM
hey there, welcome...!

I have the samething (anxiety..panic)...just no ocd, but i have done things in which made me feel as you did...and i was afraid to do them again, but i did and made it through....being as its your work makes it harder im sure.....but one thing you HAVE to remember is that you will be okay as "weird" as you feel.......ive NEVER heard of anyone...passing out from the feelings you felt (anxiet / panic cant make you pass out, its the hypervantlating (SP) that does it... just take a deep breath, relax, count to 10 in yoru head....

anxiety sucks.........but dont let it take over your work, just think you already had the feeling so you know what to expect at least....and your alive, you didnt passout :)

I hope that helped...... good luck !! :)