View Full Version : Hey guys. Some advice please

06-11-2013, 04:37 PM
So I've been recovering from this whole anxiety thing and lately I've been pretty fine. Last night, however I had a bit of an anxiety attack. I rode it out and it was over with. Today I'm feeling this numbing sensation on the left side of my head. I had this happen early on with my anxiety a few months ago. Any advice on what I should do to not let it blow up into a big anxiety attack? Thanks

06-11-2013, 09:19 PM
I suggest just ignore it.. it's tough but it can be done.. Anxiety sucks huh! :/

06-11-2013, 10:29 PM
I suggest just ignore it.. it's tough but it can be done.. Anxiety sucks huh! :/

Sure does man. I'm about to go the movies right now. Hopefully all goes well

06-11-2013, 10:39 PM
It well man.. Have faith bro!
What movie u gonna see???

06-11-2013, 10:43 PM
It well man.. Have faith bro!
What movie u gonna see???

Thanks man, I'm gonna watch "This Is The End"

06-11-2013, 11:05 PM
Thanks man, I'm gonna watch "This Is The End"

Let me know if its good!
Have a good time bro

06-12-2013, 04:28 AM
Years ago when I first started getting anxiety attacks, I would get a numb tingly feeling on the right side of my head, like around my ear and temple. I was referred to a neurologist and think I even had a scan of my head done, ended up being nothing. I don't get those feelings anymore but I know what you're feeling. It's just another harmless symptom that will pass. Once we get over one weird sensation, our body starts to scare us with another weird feeling. It's the nature of the beast. You will be fine! :)

06-12-2013, 04:50 AM
Hey man! I'm literally going threw the same thing as I type this.. I'm just trying to fall asleep and my head keeps making these crackling/sizzle noises and I also keep getting these numb tingles all over my head with some sharp pains thrown in the mix. I've had anxiety for little over a year now since my best friend was killed, but what I've learned is that your "anxiety" will create false/physical pains when being ignored. What I mean by that is "when your just having a normal day, you starting feel anxiety coming on all over you, but you ignore it.. Your body (anxiety) then begins to cause these physical (also fake) sensations all over your body" they are 110% completely harmless but scary as hell! I get them EVERY day! The best thing you can do is just "ignore" them (however you can) just stay positive and I'm always here to talk and swap story's! Best of luck.

06-12-2013, 08:12 AM
Let me know if its good!
Have a good time bro

Well, I made it through haha. The movie is pretty damn good. One of the funniest things I've ever seen. I definitely think everyone should watch.

06-12-2013, 08:57 AM
Years ago when I first started getting anxiety attacks, I would get a numb tingly feeling on the right side of my head, like around my ear and temple. I was referred to a neurologist and think I even had a scan of my head done, ended up being nothing. I don't get those feelings anymore but I know what you're feeling. It's just another harmless symptom that will pass. Once we get over one weird sensation, our body starts to scare us with another weird feeling. It's the nature of the beast. You will be fine! :)

Thank you :)

06-12-2013, 08:58 AM
Hey man! I'm literally going threw the same thing as I type this.. I'm just trying to fall asleep and my head keeps making these crackling/sizzle noises and I also keep getting these numb tingles all over my head with some sharp pains thrown in the mix. I've had anxiety for little over a year now since my best friend was killed, but what I've learned is that your "anxiety" will create false/physical pains when being ignored. What I mean by that is "when your just having a normal day, you starting feel anxiety coming on all over you, but you ignore it.. Your body (anxiety) then begins to cause these physical (also fake) sensations all over your body" they are 110% completely harmless but scary as hell! I get them EVERY day! The best thing you can do is just "ignore" them (however you can) just stay positive and I'm always here to talk and swap story's! Best of luck.

I get those crackling noises too. Will keep trying to ignore the symptoms though. Thanks man