View Full Version : Wish me Luck

06-11-2013, 04:01 AM
I thought when i was diagnosed with Anxiety that i would be able to manage without the aid of meds.... Had a good chat with my Dr and Psychologist and they said ok see how you go. I was travelling ok CBT, deep breathing walking everyday and eating much better i also had weekly massages and just took better care of my self .....so i thought the last cpl of mths but lately hmmmm touches of depression was making it hard but i battled on but no i knew i needed a bit more help... Had a good chat with my husband and talked last night with my Dr and said ok i need help so i am now talking 5mg of lexapro a day to see how i go, my Dr explained it like this - if you have a broken leg you need crutches until it heals much like you at the moment you are in a sense broken and need time to mend so for now the AD's will help and in time hopefully once you have given your body and mind time you can stop taking them....

So i start a new chapter and i am looking forward to a better me

06-11-2013, 04:13 AM
That is the perfect attitude

Many anxiety sufferers try to avoid meds at all costs

I understand why and was one of them

Its okay to need some help. We all do sometime

Speedy healing to you