View Full Version : 26 and obsessing about death of parents (while they're alive)

06-10-2013, 03:14 PM
Hi, I usually wait to post new threads when I'm new at a forum but I really need some input asap. This is incredibly long but it all spilled out in exactly this form. If you make it through, thanks. If not, I understand and thanks anyway.

I'm going to include a
*** trigger warning***
because these are things that fill me with intense anxiety and I don't want to disturb anyone with this.

I'm not sure if this related to another disorder I've overlooked but to my limited knowledge, I can only classify it as anxiety. Every now and then, I'll go through little phases of intense obsession which last anywhere from one to three months, sometimes longer. I'm always too embarrassed to tell anyone so I suffer alone. Here are my most memorable ones to provide an example:

- When i was about 5 and had just found out about death, my mom told me we would go to heaven when we died but it was more likely that Jesus would come back (child-friendly language for Christ's second coming) before any of us died and it disturbed and scared me. I asked if there would be orange juice in heaven and she told me we wouldn't even need to drink anything in heaven and I seriously kind of freaked out. I remember watching Oprah with her and wondering if there was a way to not exist anymore so i wouldn't have to die or go to heaven or hell. Weird-looking clouds, loud noises, and even colorful sunsets filled me with terror that Jesus was going to come back. I was convinced an oscillating fan in my room had angel voices in it. I was also very conflicted because I was a Christian and felt these things should excite me, not terrify me.
This recurred at least five times for about three months each on average throughout childhood. Eventually I would just stop caring but I always had my eye on funny clouds and weird weather. One time a dust storm blew in from the east while I was out for a walk with my mom and brother and I ran all the way home (which at that point in my life was definitely the longest I'd ever run) with tears streaming out of my eyes and I had diarrhea for the rest of the night. It sort of reawakened my paranoia and sent me into another phase of terror.

- In spring 2010, I became totally convinced the earth was going to kill us. Not sure if you remember but there were a lot of major earthquakes and volcano eruptions. I completely stopped reading the news because my heart would feel like it was bursting, I was so afraid there'd be an urgent headline about the Yellowstone caldera. I remember sitting in a history class I was taking and the professor brought up an earthquake my news hiatus had prevented me from hearing about and I had a panic attack, which may have been pretty embarrassing if I hadn't become so good at hiding them but I did have to run to the bathroom to throw up. Also there was a ring around the sun one day and I felt so doomed that I didn't feel completely in contact with my body.

Now that you have these examples, you may better understand my latest one. It's been a little over a month that I'm completely obsessed with the possibility of my parents dying. I'm 26 and dead humiliated to the point where the only way I feel comfortable disclosing this is anonymously on a forum. What I think triggered it was a series of conversations my mom and I have shared about my wish to remain childfree. She's completely supportive but I know deep down it kills her. I know from the first 23 or 24 years of my life that my mom has looked forward her entire life to having grandchildren. We used to talk about it all the time back when I wanted them. But now i really don't want anything to do with being pregnant or raising kids.
Then I read something on facebook about this woman whose mom died and it made her reverse her decision not to have kids. I put myself in that position and couldn't stop thinking about it. I've gotten stuck at the finality of either decision, don't have kids and be happy or have kids to make my mom happy. I know she doesn't want me to feel this way but i can't help it.
I'm really sensitive about my dad because he's been an alcoholic since i was an infant and he's been diabetic for 10 years this August. He was also premature and has a heart problem. From 2/2009 to 1/2013, his dad, brother, and cousin/best friend have died and he's depressed but puts on too strong a front to let it show. He's been feeling he wasn't the best dad to my brother and me and he keeps bringing it up in conversations and I'm afraid maybe he knows or feels something grim about his health and wants to set things straight. He's never talked like this before and it's freaking me out. I'm also sad because a lot of times, I genuinely was afraid of him. Most of the time his drinking made him happy and mellow but once every 6 months or so, he'd snap and argue with my mom until one of them left. He would get this scary look on his face and his voice had a sneer and his entire presence had an intensity and rage I still can't shake. My brother and I would always end up leaving the house with our mom so it felt like 3 vs 1, and I would go into hysterics because i wanted to be there for my dad and my mom at the same time and I felt like such a failure. There was no physical abuse, just belligerent rage. Knowing what I know now about his own childhood and past, it makes complete sense and I know if I'd had this understanding back then, it wouldn't have scared me, but I just didn't understand it at the time and it really felt like our house was no longer a part of the rational world.
He's changed so much though. He still drinks but has cut back and doesn't get mean anymore. At worst, he'll cry about his dad, brother, and cousin. He and my mom are still together and very healthy (from what I know) and happy. Looking at the four of us, you would never guess there was so much pain in our past. I adore my family, past and all.

I'm so afraid of them dying that sometimes I just wish I could stay with them all the time. I feel like once they're gone, I'll regret not spending more time with them even though i already spend time with them as it is. I know that's irrational because spending nonstop time with someone only works in theory. People do have to spend time apart to have healthy relationships.
What makes this even more difficult is they annoy me sometimes! Which is healthy, I know, but fills me with conflict. They each have their little habits that bug me, just like anyone else. I get annoyed when I'm there with them but the moment I leave, I feel so sad for being annoyed. As a kid I used to read Ann Landers and would occasionally see letters from widows who just wanted their husbands back and wished they wouldn't have spent so much time being annoyed with their husbands' snoring and things like that, and those letters left deep impressions on me.
I know once people are gone, they're just gone. Regardless of any beliefs re: the afterlife, no one can argue that when people die, they cease to exist in a form that's immediately accessible to the living. I don't want them to be gone like that.

I'm very depressed about it because I feel like by putting them in their graves already, I'm missing out on the time I have now to enjoy having them here and still fairly young.
It just feels like I'm fighting a constant battle between what I know is rational and what I know is irrational. While I'm completely aware I'm being irrational in a lot of ways, I can't shake it.

Thank you for your help you can give me. I've battled anxiety every minute of the day and every day of my life and I usually lose. I need help but don't know where to start.

06-10-2013, 06:59 PM
Hey :-) I can very much associate with what you are saying here.
I have Been suffering since I am about 14.. Off and on (years or months of obsessions)..

My obsessions were always of death.. My own death.. Usually bc I can't breathe or I have a heart attach. And heart palpitations etc don't help! If anything u feel its your body physically confirming what you fear most!

And I had always always always obsessed w my loved ones death. I wd call my mom every night "did u finish eating for the day?" Because I didn't want her choking.."did you lock all the doors?" Bc I didn't want we murdered.. Etc etc etc., and I was consumed. With vivid .. Realistic.. Overwhelming images of her death and my overwhelming mourning.. It really was as tho I was living and reliving an absolute nightmare ALL THE TIME..

This of course is very stressful to anyone.. And I wd had panic attacks.. Tremors.. Dizzy spells.. You name it..

Anyway! I went thro that for YEARS.. And I wd have a month here and there where I was less worriful.. But I always assumed that this was me! And I had to conquer these fears! Push there obsessions away! "I don't need therapy!" And I was so against drugs..

But then when I was 25 (in now 36) I fell so hard and deep into a maddening depression and anxiety filled hell., I went to the hospital.. Finally got help.. It was that or I was convinced I wd Jill myself or deconstruct.. Crazy..

My psychologist saved my life.. Convinced me to try Zoloft while he saw me for therapy..

I have to tell you that you don't need to live in this misery.. My life did a 180 after I was in therapy and on meds for about 3-6 months. I seriously wd not have believed it if someone had told me it was possible!

As of right now I was off the Zoloft for about 6 mos.. My symptoms are returning :(((( .. That's why I'm here..

But I have just started Zoloft and therapy again! I look forward to feeling much better soon!

I hope this helps you!!!

06-10-2013, 07:01 PM
I was DX with chronic depression.. OCD.. And panic disorder.

06-10-2013, 07:02 PM
Excuse all typos please! ;) haha

06-12-2013, 02:44 PM
Thank you for your reply. You're right...all my obsessions are about death too. I just noticed that. And oh man, I feel you, don't even get me started on when I think I'm having a brain hemorrhage -___- It is so crazy how our bodies physically confirm what we're fearing.

I so strongly identify with what you went through. The mourning I visualize in the wake of their death is exactly how you describe it: overwhelming. It's such a disturbing thought that it brings me to tears embarrassingly soon after the trigger (if there even is an identifiable trigger). I'm crying right now and just one minute ago, I was absolutely fine. If I have these thoughts in public, I have to duck into a private place to clean myself up because nothing stops me from emoting. I'm not an emotionally labile person otherwise but this specific topic severely disturbs me anytime, anywhere. Even if I hear a sad song that reminds me of my parents (for example, Here Comes the Sun by the Beatles for my dad or Dreamboat Annie by Heart for my mom) or just think of them, I can't resist crying.

I really appreciate your input about therapy and medication. I thought it was "just me" being "just sensitive" but it's starting to disrupt my life. I can't help but notice that every obsession increases in severity, almost like whatever I have is progressing. And your reply really hits home because I'm 26 and have never felt so depressed or anxious. Ever. Even when I was a teenager with all the teen hormones everyone just loves to talk about, it wasn't nearly this bad. And yeah, suicidal ideation has been an issue. Funnily enough (in a morbid way), my entire obsession revolves around not wanting to die or see anyone around me die so I can kind of safely say I wouldn't kill myself, but in my most desperate hours I really just wish I could be not a part of earth anymore. I'm afraid that given a decade or so, it will get to the point where I'm genuinely considering or even planning it. Regardless of whether I'd actually harm myself, my life is obviously not where I want it to be if suicidal ideation is in any way involved. I don't use this term loosely and with many people but honestly, my life is miserable.

On Sunday I had a massive panic attack and I almost went to the county mental health department but I was afraid of what the next step from there would be. I couldn't calm down and finally wept myself to sleep after about seven hours of it, which I'm sure I don't have to say felt like an eternity.

I am genuinely afraid of medication. I went through a three year phase where I tried medications and none of them worked. I don't know if I just wasn't giving them enough of a chance (I went through four in three years for about nine months each) or if I was taking the wrong ones. They were one SNRI and three SSRIs. They turned me into an entirely different person and I quit taking them. For about three years after that, I was still not the same person I had been. Only in the last couple years have I started to come back into my personality again but this latest obsession is really throwing off my progress. I'm getting desperate because I just want it to end and medication may become an option again sooner than I think.

As far as therapy goes, I am going to sign up when I get health insurance again.

I'm sorry your symptoms are returning :( Ugh. Thanks again so much for your kind words, advice, and hope. I'll be around here pretty often until I get this figured out.

06-12-2013, 03:03 PM
Hey :-) I can very much associate with what you are saying here.
I have Been suffering since I am about 14.. Off and on (years or months of obsessions)..

My obsessions were always of death.. My own death.. Usually bc I can't breathe or I have a heart attach. And heart palpitations etc don't help! If anything u feel its your body physically confirming what you fear most!

And I had always always always obsessed w my loved ones death. I wd call my mom every night "did u finish eating for the day?" Because I didn't want her choking.."did you lock all the doors?" Bc I didn't want we murdered.. Etc etc etc., and I was consumed. With vivid .. Realistic.. Overwhelming images of her death and my overwhelming mourning.. It really was as tho I was living and reliving an absolute nightmare ALL THE TIME..

This of course is very stressful to anyone.. And I wd had panic attacks.. Tremors.. Dizzy spells.. You name it..

Anyway! I went thro that for YEARS.. And I wd have a month here and there where I was less worriful.. But I always assumed that this was me! And I had to conquer these fears! Push there obsessions away! "I don't need therapy!" And I was so against drugs..

But then when I was 25 (in now 36) I fell so hard and deep into a maddening depression and anxiety filled hell., I went to the hospital.. Finally got help.. It was that or I was convinced I wd Jill myself or deconstruct.. Crazy..

My psychologist saved my life.. Convinced me to try Zoloft while he saw me for therapy..

I have to tell you that you don't need to live in this misery.. My life did a 180 after I was in therapy and on meds for about 3-6 months. I seriously wd not have believed it if someone had told me it was possible!

As of right now I was off the Zoloft for about 6 mos.. My symptoms are returning :(((( .. That's why I'm here..

But I have just started Zoloft and therapy again! I look forward to feeling much better soon!

I hope this helps you!!!

Wow you are like my clone lol, I have had all different kinds of obsessions since I was a teen. Most of the time they are focused on me dying from a heart attack,stroke, ect. It's getting a little better. I have been on every kind of med for it and unfortunately they would work for a little while and then one day stop. Right now I just take lorazepam as needed and it def takes the edge off. I was really discouraged about the meds but the way my doc explained it to me was that the meds were just masking my problem so now that the meds are not working I can face it head on.

06-12-2013, 03:26 PM
I totally understand I constantly worry about my parents dying ever since I lost my grandparents a few years ago I wish I didn't because it stops me from enjoying my time with them whilst they're still here I didn't even realise it was a symptom of my ocd until you posted this makes me get it more. We're in it together right? ;)

06-12-2013, 04:31 PM
I totally understand I constantly worry about my parents dying ever since I lost my grandparents a few years ago I wish I didn't because it stops me from enjoying my time with them whilst they're still here I didn't even realise it was a symptom of my ocd until you posted this makes me get it more. We're in it together right? ;)

I didn't look at it as OCD until this week, either. I thought it was just anxiety. Funny because I used the term "obsessing" without even connecting it. I didn't realize I have compulsions either but I really do.

Yes, we're in this together :) I'm really glad I found this forum. I do feel better knowing I'm not alone, even though I feel so bad for people who understand the problems I have because the problems I have suck! I'm sorry you all go through this! But honestly, for the first time in quite a while, I feel some hope.

06-13-2013, 09:19 AM
When my dr first DX me w OCD.. I was like "ummmm I don't wash my hands 80 times a day. Or knock on doors. I don't have any rituals.. You must be wrong.."
But in actuality obsessive thought alone are characteristic in OCD.. And whewwww.. Wow.. Stepping back fm that .. I am amazed how powerful our obsessive brains can be.

And obsessing over death or loved ones death is a sign of depression too...

I just laugh bc I was soooo anti dr.. Anti meds.. N now I am not that way at all.. Not that I am a druggie by any means lol.. I walk around w lorazepam .. But hardly EVER ever take it..

06-13-2013, 09:29 AM
Thank you for your reply. You're right...all my obsessions are about death too. I just noticed that. And oh man, I feel you, don't even get me started on when I think I'm having a brain hemorrhage -___- It is so crazy how our bodies physically confirm what we're fearing.

I so strongly identify with what you went through. The mourning I visualize in the wake of their death is exactly how you describe it: overwhelming. It's such a disturbing thought that it brings me to tears embarrassingly soon after the trigger (if there even is an identifiable trigger). I'm crying right now and just one minute ago, I was absolutely fine. If I have these thoughts in public, I have to duck into a private place to clean myself up because nothing stops me from emoting. I'm not an emotionally labile person otherwise but this specific topic severely disturbs me anytime, anywhere. Even if I hear a sad song that reminds me of my parents (for example, Here Comes the Sun by the Beatles for my dad or Dreamboat Annie by Heart for my mom) or just think of them, I can't resist crying.

I really appreciate your input about therapy and medication. I thought it was "just me" being "just sensitive" but it's starting to disrupt my life. I can't help but notice that every obsession increases in severity, almost like whatever I have is progressing. And your reply really hits home because I'm 26 and have never felt so depressed or anxious. Ever. Even when I was a teenager with all the teen hormones everyone just loves to talk about, it wasn't nearly this bad. And yeah, suicidal ideation has been an issue. Funnily enough (in a morbid way), my entire obsession revolves around not wanting to die or see anyone around me die so I can kind of safely say I wouldn't kill myself, but in my most desperate hours I really just wish I could be not a part of earth anymore. I'm afraid that given a decade or so, it will get to the point where I'm genuinely considering or even planning it. Regardless of whether I'd actually harm myself, my life is obviously not where I want it to be if suicidal ideation is in any way involved. I don't use this term loosely and with many people but honestly, my life is miserable.

On Sunday I had a massive panic attack and I almost went to the county mental health department but I was afraid of what the next step from there would be. I couldn't calm down and finally wept myself to sleep after about seven hours of it, which I'm sure I don't have to say felt like an eternity.

I am genuinely afraid of medication. I went through a three year phase where I tried medications and none of them worked. I don't know if I just wasn't giving them enough of a chance (I went through four in three years for about nine months each) or if I was taking the wrong ones. They were one SNRI and three SSRIs. They turned me into an entirely different person and I quit taking them. For about three years after that, I was still not the same person I had been. Only in the last couple years have I started to come back into my personality again but this latest obsession is really throwing off my progress. I'm getting desperate because I just want it to end and medication may become an option again sooner than I think.

As far as therapy goes, I am going to sign up when I get health insurance again.

I'm sorry your symptoms are returning :( Ugh. Thanks again so much for your kind words, advice, and hope. I'll be around here pretty often until I get this figured out.

I do understand fear of meds too.. I actually had to take a lorazepam sat night.. But I soooo didn't want to.. BUT I was losing my mind.. And I was then worrying tht the lorazepam wd harm me smh.. Of course w in a half hour that little wonder pill works it's magic and I was able to sleep ;) lol.

Maybe you are having a hard time responding to medications bc the beginning of the treatment is really rocky?? Maybe?
My dr dirt had me take lorazepam .5 MSGs 4 x's a day for 6 mos straight while he slowly introduced my system to Paxil (I had great experiences w Paxil and Zoloft btw).. Paxil and Zoloft can actually cause anxiety in the early stages smh... And I was such a friggin mess anyway that I needed the lorazepam ..
Anyway.. After he felt that the Paxil was nice and in my system, he very slowly decreased my lorazepam .. This I will admit was a tad tricky.. And I did have two major panic attacks w that leaving my system BUT they were one time- isolated attacks.. They didn't persist..

And then Paxil took me from then on. And I was so much better :)

But maybe try diff meds.. And see about being on something like lorazepam for a bit while your body adjusts..

You will also need to really take care of yourself too.. No alcohol.. Plenty of sleep.. Eat well..

This is a time where you need to get better.. Heal and nurture yourself..

:((( I so deeply sympathize w you..

06-13-2013, 09:32 AM
Oh boy.. Please excuse all typos again ;) lol!!

Didn't mean to say DIRT up there lol

06-13-2013, 09:51 AM

06-13-2013, 09:52 AM
I totally understand I constantly worry about my parents dying ever since I lost my grandparents a few years ago I wish I didn't because it stops me from enjoying my time with them whilst they're still here I didn't even realise it was a symptom of my ocd until you posted this makes me get it more. We're in it together right? ;)


06-13-2013, 03:27 PM
Re: what you thought OCD was, me too! I've overlooked it for so long because I'm actually kind of a slob.

Funnily enough, I actually did have a doctor diagnose me with OCD about six years ago. It made no sense to me at the time. Let's hear it for qualified professionals instead of ol' Dr. Google and Medical TV Shows, RN!

I think you have a point about the beginning of treatment. It really was super-rocky. I tried Effexor, Cymbalta, Lexapro, and Prozac over four years (I stand corrected -- I've tried two SNRIs and two SSRIs). Each one made me feel weirder and weirder. Maybe I really never did get past the adjustment phase.

And oh my, what fantastic points you have about getting lorazepam while I adjust and being sure to take care of myself while trialing new medications. I really never thought of asking for lorazepam for backup. Also I really wasn't into taking care of myself during the antidepressant phase. I didn't get good sleep, I drank occasionally, and ate all kinds of things I now know I'm mildly allergic to.

Thanks a lot for bringing that up. I'm really starting to think I may need medication after all.

06-15-2013, 03:56 AM
Boy do I feel your pain! When I was a kid and first heard about AIDS, I was convinced I had it and stayed up nights obsessing over it. Since then my obsessions have taken on different forms. Sometimes it's health concerns, sometimes it's thoughts of someone dying, sometimes it's my partner cheating on me. The thoughts change, but the obsessing remains the same.

I finally went to a therapist about this, thinking it was anxiety, and she diagnosed me with OCD. That could very well be what you're struggling with.

I wish I knew how to fix it. I've been on Lexapro for a couple months now, but the obsessive worrying continues. It's a tough thing to deal with.