View Full Version : Lower the volume ! **

06-10-2013, 01:33 PM
My hearing sense is pretty strong but my brain doesnt react well to a loud noise. Maybe because I easily wakeup when people talk on my head without caring that I was sleeping. So everytime I hear some specific voices I get angered. For a very horrid noise, for example the voice of someone bumping into the wall, or shutting the window in a flash, when I hear loud noises I concentrate on what that was, sometimes makes me anxious and sometimes it makes me very disturbed. Any suggestions how am I to tackle this attitude of being irritated with everything? As if I was losing the control on my conscious each day

06-10-2013, 04:22 PM
I'm the same way, certain voices at certain times. And when someone sneezes, it really gets me! When anxiety is high , noises drive me nuts!

06-10-2013, 04:24 PM
I'll stick some earphones on if I have to. It's weird that noises I make are ok :-)

06-10-2013, 04:36 PM
Hahaha very true, Im actually alright with sneezing but yawning like Bears annoys me a lot lol
Btw it just gets worse when I put earphones up, Ill do a seperate thread for that =P thanks for the reminder ;)

06-10-2013, 04:41 PM
I dont go nuts but I just want people to do such things with manners so that it annoys less then it would. For example learning how to control the tvs volume for once. The volumes still gonna be there since these houses are made like that on purpose. Not walking and making noises as if an elephant was walking. Not bumping into walls causing horrible noises. Not yawning so loud you want to leave the house. Not farting loud and in middle of crowd on purpose although theres no medical problems. Not doing the same all the time and not caring

06-10-2013, 04:58 PM
I've always been the opposite; I blast my music loud as possible, I go to tons of extremely loud metal concerts... Whenever I'm home alone and it's dead silent my anxiety skyrockets, I usually turn on my tv for background noise.

06-10-2013, 05:13 PM
I've always been the opposite; I blast my music loud as possible, I go to tons of extremely loud metal concerts... Whenever I'm home alone and it's dead silent my anxiety skyrockets, I usually turn on my tv for background noise.
Thats what I used to do a couple of years back when I used to be scared of ghosts in da house =P

06-10-2013, 05:18 PM
I'm actually one of them yawners you talk about, the girl complains, but doesn't have anxiety lol peace y'all

06-10-2013, 05:34 PM
I'm actually one of them yawners you talk about, the girl complains, but doesn't have anxiety lol peace y'all

Oops :P well, i tried and found out a way of not making a noise while yawning, you should try too, your girl would hug you an extra time for that i bet ;)

06-10-2013, 05:59 PM
You might just be irritable. How are you sleeping? If you're short of REM sleep you'll be irritable and over sensitive to most any stimuli. Just an idea. Alankay

06-10-2013, 06:00 PM
lol I'm curios how you do it quietly . It's ok though, her and I's hugging days are long gone!

06-11-2013, 03:12 AM
You might just be irritable. How are you sleeping? If you're short of REM sleep you'll be irritable and over sensitive to most any stimuli. Just an idea. Alankay
I think I get more rem sleep than anybody else. I can wake up hearing anyone talking. Usually, a quarter of me is awake for a while and then slowly fades away. On holidays i sleep for about 9 hours. Sleeping is a problem, after ive indulged I am lost for hours unless my family comes n starts talking in my room. I also wke up at several instances during night. If woke up in the morning even after a four hour sleep, i cant go back to sleep for some reason idk.

06-11-2013, 05:53 PM
lol I'm curios how you do it quietly . It's ok though, her and I's hugging days are long gone!
Ahaha, its easy, put your hand on the mouth with the palm facing the mouth, it sefinitely lowers the noise. I also tend to close my mouth and try and hold it inside, exhale through my nose, and then suddenly move out of crowd where I can yawn :P
No girl would leave coz her boyfriend yawns loud. It doesnt mean that manners dont count, actually the more manners we have the more do we influence our relations. By the way Manners dont make a difference in the amount of attachment between two people. Im sorry to hear that you dont get her hugs anymore bud, I hope everything flows well, wishing you all the best, Ill pray for ya :)

06-11-2013, 06:39 PM
Ahaha, its easy, put your hand on the mouth with the palm facing the mouth, it sefinitely lowers the noise. I also tend to close my mouth and try and hold it inside, exhale through my nose, and then suddenly move out of crowd where I can yawn :P
No girl would leave coz her boyfriend yawns loud. It doesnt mean that manners dont count, actually the more manners we have the more do we influence our relations. By the way Manners dont make a difference in the amount of attachment between two people. Im sorry to hear that you dont get her hugs anymore bud, I hope everything flows well, wishing you all the best, Ill pray for ya :)

Thank you my friend! :-)

06-12-2013, 01:26 AM
Thank you my friend! :-)

Nahh, thanks to you :)
best of luck