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06-09-2013, 11:09 PM
Super anxious tonight! :( I don't know what's wrong but I just don't feel right. My husband works midnights so I'm home alone which makes my anxiety worse.

06-10-2013, 12:55 AM
Super anxious tonight! :( I don't know what's wrong but I just don't feel right. My husband works midnights so I'm home alone which makes my anxiety worse.

Hi MrsJ88 just read your post! Sorry your feeling off. Do you normally feel like that when your husband is at work or is it something else triggering your anxiety? I really feel for you. Im feeling the same today, I feel strange as theres no other word for it? Anyway I hope your husband is home now and your feeling much better. Remember your not alone. Be kind to yourself. Beverley :)

06-10-2013, 02:48 AM
Hi MrsJ88 just read your post! Sorry your feeling off. Do you normally feel like that when your husband is at work or is it something else triggering your anxiety? I really feel for you. Im feeling the same today, I feel strange as theres no other word for it? Anyway I hope your husband is home now and your feeling much better. Remember your not alone. Be kind to yourself. Beverley :)

Thanks for your response Beverly. Yes I get anxious when I'm alone at night. He's at work until 8am, (it's 3:45am now)

06-10-2013, 01:33 PM
I totally understand how you feel! My husband worked graveyard for 5 years, worked from 8pm-8am! I was home alone every night with 2 kids. I hated it!! We are all here for you though. Pm me if you ever need someone to talk to when you're alone. :)