View Full Version : Antidepressants make you emotionally numb

08-26-2007, 03:07 PM
OK someone tell me what that means. I got an appointment on wednesday and dont know what it means and I might get some stuff prescribed.

08-26-2007, 07:22 PM
Okay. Now I have not tried taking antidepressants myself. But I know MANY people who have. And emotional numbness is a common side effect. Simply put, emotionl numbness means that you don't feel much emotionally. Emotional pain may be alleviated (which is a good thing). But also lost is the ability to feel good, or much at all. For instance, one friend of mine says that when he is on Paxil or Lexapro, he just doesnt get excited about stuff anymore OR look forward to stuff anymore. I myself just can't imagine having to feel that way. And although this might not happen, even the CHANCE that it could is enough to make me want to stay away from this stuff.

08-27-2007, 12:33 AM
Yeah thats the thing I don't want. I thought maybe it will make you emotionaly numb as you wont feel emotions such as sad and stuff but at the same time it could be as not feeling any time of emotion such as joy and happiness.

08-27-2007, 05:25 AM
Which is why I always say to consider meds a treatment of LAST resort rather than a first line treatment. Therapy and/or a self-help book would probably be the best places to start. This is ESPECIALLY true if you find that you basically feel fine, except for a few situations where you feel uncomfortable around people. Having to deal with full-time side effects to try to deal with a few minutes of anxiety every day just doesn't make sense.