View Full Version : Making progress, but its still hard...

06-09-2013, 07:41 PM
I just started having anxiety about 8 months ago, and just realized it was anxiety about a month ago. I have some pretty serious health anxiety. Have had all sorts of tests done, and started taking Lexapro.

I no longer have daily massive anxiety attacks that keep me locked in my house. But I still get weird feelings a lot. Shaky insides, dizzy, head pressure. And feelings of doom and fear of heart failure. I can usually get past them after a few minutes, but I'm just so tired of them happening.

I miss my normal life. I'm happy it's getting better every day, but I could use some advice on how to make it improve more. Anyone able to completely kick the health anxiety? Or at least not get it every day?

06-10-2013, 07:58 AM
I too started to experience health anxiety, right after my second baby was born!! It is so hard when every little ache and pain you feel, sends ur mind into a catastrophic event, such as cancer, heart attack or stroke!! I have been seeing a psychologist for cognitive behavioural therapy and the progress I have been making is unbelievable. I no longer dwell on every ache that I am feeling. I let the feeling pass and focus on positive thoughts!!! It feels good to finally start feeling like myself again because there for about 3 months, I wasn't sure if it was ever going to happen!!