View Full Version : Help me please!!

06-09-2013, 03:20 PM
Well my daughter has been sick so I decided to take her to the hospital.. Well they triaged her and we went to pediatrics sitting there I was fine.. Waiting I was on. But as soon as she came in, I got lightheaded like I wanted to pass out. Hands sweaty :( what is wrong with me. I never get that way except this time. I don't get what this could have been. My anxiety started last year in January out of no where... Now I'm a mess... Please help thank u

06-09-2013, 03:21 PM
As soon as the doctor came in.

06-09-2013, 06:51 PM
I got the same way today but not from a doc

I coach my oldest boys team and we made it to the championship game in the tournament.

I was kneeling and watching the game

I went to get up to yell like I always do and I dropped back down because I felt faint

I stopped breathing right watching and lack of O2 got me

Corrected breathing and felt better

We lost. Season over. Sucks.