View Full Version : Do you get panic attacks everyday?

06-09-2013, 11:41 AM
Hello everyone,how is everyone feeling today? Maybe a silly question but sometimes it's nice to be asked that from time time :)
Today I feel tired and fed up having these panic attacks everyday for a week now,I've had mine for 20 odd years now on and off and untill this week I could Handle having them when I did and as bad but this week has worn me the hell out,my question to everyone is do you have them everyday? Do you sleep/eat ok? And do you ever have good days? :)

06-09-2013, 11:45 AM
Hello everyone,how is everyone feeling today? Maybe a silly question but sometimes it's nice to be asked that from time time :)
Today I feel tired and fed up having these panic attacks everyday for a week now,I've had mine for 20 odd years now on and off and untill this week I could Handle having them when I did and as bad but this week has worn me the hell out,my question to everyone is do you have them everyday? Do you sleep/eat ok? And do you ever have good days? :)


When I first had my panic attacks, I would be calling an ambulance out once every week!! But they get a lot better! I haven't had one for 5+ months now. During the hard time I couldn't eat, and couldn't sleep!

06-09-2013, 11:48 AM
I have them almost everyday. I spend most of my days on the verge of one. Im not sleeping all to well. I wake up every 4 hours and feel crappy the next day. I eat good for the most part although sometimes I don't have an appetite. My whole day seems dedicated to feeling generally anxious. The psychiatrist said im in the "anxiety realm". Whatever that means.

06-09-2013, 11:49 AM

When I first had my panic attacks, I would be calling an ambulance out once every week!! But they get a lot better! I haven't had one for 5+ months now. During the hard time I couldn't eat, and couldn't sleep!

Oh wow nicole123 that's really good,are you on anything for them? How long have you had yours for?

06-09-2013, 11:53 AM
I have them almost everyday. I spend most of my days on the verge of one. Im not sleeping all to well. I wake up every 4 hours and feel crappy the next day. I eat good for the most part although sometimes I don't have an appetite. My whole day seems dedicated to feeling generally anxious. The psychiatrist said im in the "anxiety realm". Whatever that means.

How long have you had yours for? Do you take anything for them?

06-09-2013, 12:29 PM
Oh wow nicole123 that's really good,are you on anything for them? How long have you had yours for?

No I've never took anything for them, all I done was start to socialise a bit more, pushing myself a little bit each time and it made me feel so much better !!! I have suffered anxiety for over a year now, I had it very bad for the first 6/7 months and I'm 60% better now slowly but surely! Honestly, it only gets better!

06-09-2013, 12:43 PM
How long have you had yours for? Do you take anything for them?

I started having them at 16, im 36 now. I took different ones during my teen years. Started drinking in my early 20's to self medicate( not suggested lol ).. I still had them daily but not while drinking. Then I started to have them while drinking. Ive recently quit the drinking which alone has its problems. Im currently staring at a bottle of Celexa...I know I need it but am scared for one reason or another. I do take an occasional Xanax when things get real bad.

06-09-2013, 02:12 PM
I never get them but I get close. I take 40mg of Lexapro daily, and usually take klonopin if I'm about to have one for sure. Longest I went without one was maybe 3 months. Been having a lot of them lately, I think it's cause ive been taking klonopin once a day and whenever i skip a day my body hates it, probably need to taper off of them. Most of them occur during the night or very late evening.

06-09-2013, 02:18 PM
Yes I get them in the mornings when I wake up and then a few in the day and in the night it so Exhausting

06-09-2013, 04:15 PM
I used to get them several times a day... my whole life was consumed by panic attacks. Then I went on prozac and went about 20 years without one, but for the past few months, they're back. I asked my therapist why I might be all of a sudden having them again, and she said it's the combination of me having a really tough and stressful year, combined with the fact that we can only shove so much down inside (I'm the master of that) until it overflows and starts coming out in any way it can. Time to clear some of that junk out of there and make room for the new stuff.

06-10-2013, 05:56 AM
I used to get them several times a day... my whole life was consumed by panic attacks. Then I went on prozac and went about 20 years without one, but for the past few months, they're back. I asked my therapist why I might be all of a sudden having them again, and she said it's the combination of me having a really tough and stressful year, combined with the fact that we can only shove so much down inside (I'm the master of that) until it overflows and starts coming out in any way it can. Time to clear some of that junk out of there and make room for the new stuff.

I am in a similar situation :-(( I had such terrible anxiety.. Became agoraphobic bc dealing w anxiety outside of the house was insane lol.. But I have been virtually anxiety free for the last 10 years!!! But now it is returning.. I had been on Zoloft for almost all of those 10 years.. But decided to give a shot with no drugs.. Perhaps tht was the problem.. 6 months now.. And it's steadily becoming more and more severe. So!! I am now back on Zoloft for the pat two weeks!! I can't WAIT for it to realllllly take its positive effect! And I SO hope it does!! 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏

06-10-2013, 07:32 AM
I am in a similar situation :-(( I had such terrible anxiety.. Became agoraphobic bc dealing w anxiety outside of the house was insane lol.. But I have been virtually anxiety free for the last 10 years!!! But now it is returning.. I had been on Zoloft for almost all of those 10 years.. But decided to give a shot with no drugs.. Perhaps tht was the problem.. 6 months now.. And it's steadily becoming more and more severe. So!! I am now back on Zoloft for the pat two weeks!! I can't WAIT for it to realllllly take its positive effect! And I SO hope it does!! dde4fdde4fdde4fdde4fdde4f

Yes I'm on that to,I've only been on it a week now,I'm waiting for the positive to come,it's taken the edge off but I want to be the person I was b4 again,I'm also on propanol

06-10-2013, 11:34 AM
Hello all. Not doing too well lately. Been waking up early in a sweat and bad anxiety. I can go back to sleep, but seems I'm in an anxious mode all day. I've had anxiety/panic attacks for years and since I'm a senior that's a long time. Also been on Zoloft and Klonopin for several years. At first when I got used to them it was wonderful, felt like the real me. However over the years I've slipped back slowly to this point where it's with me all the time. Keep asking myself what I'm so afraid of. I get a pain somewhere and get panicked. Afraid something's terribly wrong with my health but afraid to go to the Dr. At my age one would think I should be resolved to life's problems, but feel like such a wimp. Not long ago I would laugh at the foibles of getting older but not now. Sorry, I know I sound like a broken record. Just seeking some comfort from those in the same boat.

06-10-2013, 11:51 AM
Yes I'm on that to,I've only been on it a week now,I'm waiting for the positive to come,it's taken the edge off but I want to be the person I was b4 again,I'm also on propanol

What is propanol? I wonder wht that's like? Hmmm
Yeah the waiting is stressful.. And I can't help but be nervous it won't work at all! Smh.. Lol.. Fingers crossed! Ughhhh anxiety sucks ..

06-10-2013, 11:55 AM

Yeah I think we can all associate with exactly what your saying.. You certainly aren't alone :). I too worry about every bodily sensation I feel... And generally just feel I am going out of my mind .. Then those terrible rushes of anxiety.. Numb fingers. Dry mouth.. Uughhhh
If your on the same meds and you are feelings badly.. Maybe try a new med,? I was on Zoloft for years and it dramatically changed my quality of life for the better.. I'm hoping to get that back, as I have been off for about 6 mos-1 yr now.. N those terrible symptoms are returning.. Grrrr

06-10-2013, 12:00 PM
What is propanol? I wonder wht that's like? Hmmm
Yeah the waiting is stressful.. And I can't help but be nervous it won't work at all! Smh.. Lol.. Fingers crossed! Ughhhh anxiety sucks ..

I live in the uk and it's a beta blocker so it makes you feel relaxed

06-10-2013, 12:54 PM
What is propanol? I wonder wht that's like? Hmmm
Yeah the waiting is stressful.. And I can't help but be nervous it won't work at all! Smh.. Lol.. Fingers crossed! Ughhhh anxiety sucks ..

Propanalol slows down yr heart rate , it's used for panic disorder ...