View Full Version : Why does it all come crashing down again :(

06-08-2013, 07:51 PM
I know we all go through this but i don't know i get over one thing (physical symptoms) and then get another... I wish my body would just hold of and let me breath for a while..........

The Dr suspects i have stomach ulcers so i am waiting to have an endoscopy, so in the mean time he has put me on Nexium 40mg a day. Well all good till about 3 days ago , now i don't know if it is to do with my tummy but i now have on and off during the day below my ribs on the left side a dull pain. Ugh i give up i don't want to go back to the dr's again but i might have to if it keeps up.
Sorry for venting but i am feeling down today, i could manage a bit better if my body would stop throwing curve balls at me.


06-09-2013, 09:32 AM
A lot of pain that is felt on the left side of the abdomen can be characterised as muscular pain and most major organs in the stomach are on the right side. I was too experiencing pain on the left side, and would come and go, and eventually just went away. If you aren't experiencing pain while eating, drinking, laying down, or when pushing on the stomach, it is more than likely muscular. Try not to worry about the "what if's"! It can drive you crazy. Worry about the "when and if". Wait and see what your doc says after your appointment and try not to dwell on the situation until then!!! Hope you feel better soon

06-10-2013, 05:18 AM
A lot of pain that is felt on the left side of the abdomen can be characterised as muscular pain and most major organs in the stomach are on the right side. I was too experiencing pain on the left side, and would come and go, and eventually just went away. If you aren't experiencing pain while eating, drinking, laying down, or when pushing on the stomach, it is more than likely muscular. Try not to worry about the "what if's"! It can drive you crazy. Worry about the "when and if". Wait and see what your doc says after your appointment and try not to dwell on the situation until then!!! Hope you feel better soon

Hi Halleclaire,

Thanks i saw my DR he said until we do the Endoscopy i cant say what it is definitely but he explained with what i am feeling that it is attributed to my anxiety. lol thw (what if's) i am learning how to manage this at the moment with CBT so with practice it will get easier :)