View Full Version : anxiety is becoming chronic : (

06-08-2013, 06:29 PM
Hi folks,i am a 27 year old male and wanted to share my story for some insight?

It all began a year ago,i was living with my father and he became gravely ill,i took care of him until he sadly passed away 3 months ago.After which i had to move house and the busy season of my job as a chef began.I was left to clear up all the details regarding estates funeral and family,my brother and mother were very saddened and shocked.

During the whole process i kept a level head until a week after the funeral i got the all too familiar whoosh and my heart rate went up and began trembling,pacing the house and feeling generally freaked!!!! I called a doctor after a few hours and he thusly informed me i was having an anxiety attack,to go home sleep and try to relax.I did and a day passed panic free until the day after i had 5 panic attacks in a row and my heart rate didnt come down for a full day,it was in the region of 110 bpm.

I caved and rang an ambulance thinking the pains ans other things were something drastically wrong this time.The hospital staff were very good and did all necessary tests and reassured me i would be fine.I got a lift home with a friend who was very concerned and a great listener.

I have been having them intermittantly recently and a doctor has prescribed xanax and lexipro to try and get me back on an even keel.

My whole point is this,i generally from when i wake am at a high level of anxiety and even with the benzos i know i need more help is it worth my while seeing a psychotherapist? I can see my housemates patience is wearing thin in regards to my behavior.My triggers are astoundingly random and i get heart pains after days of high anxiety which isn't helping.

I have been told my bloods are normal and my heart is healthy,i know i'm not actually sick but the attacks are 4-5 a day its exhausting and dibilitating and interfering with my whole life!!!!! I have seen such frustrations here so any advice as to resolution without medication would be hugely appreciated!!!!

06-09-2013, 03:16 PM
I would suggest seeing a professional to give you some direction in helping your process of releasing those pesky triggers naturally. When you have high resting levels of anxiety, it becomes a vicious cycle.

Stay hydrated and use food with lots of water to help. For helping soothe the heart physical symptoms, stand in front of the mirror and feel your appearance, so you can recognize the sensation and distract the usual pattern.

You are not alone in this. It's hard to manage the symptoms without knowing that you can do it naturally, stay positive, be positive, and act positive to respond to it. Hope this helps.

06-09-2013, 09:49 PM
Dear danny...
Sad to know abt ur dad may his soul rest in peace, see u hv done a lot of things for ur dad and u were attached to him, now he is in some other world better than ours.. ur very much stressed and ur works keeps u more going, i would suggest you to take some time out of ur busy schedule and relax for a hour with ir eyes close and concentrate on ur beeathing take deep breathes, other things for ur meds xanax and benzos suppress ur system to not trigger an attack that too they take time to adjust with ur system, before bedtime have a cup f chamomile tea (other herbs are also there) and get counselling from nice physiciatrist..
Hope this helps.. we r in d same boat buddy dont worry its life..

06-09-2013, 10:38 PM
much appreciated folks,i think in my own head i have built up symptoms thinking they are life threatening but stumbled onto a website explaining physical symptoms of worry/anxiety disorder and it blew my mind they literally listed exactly the 6 symptoms i go through without even knowing!! Its astounding how the body reacts to this,i had it out with my boss about work stress today he was very understanding and a little taken a back to see that i was human and not just the cooking machine hes used to lol i will contact the anxiety clinic near my home this week and ask about some therapy.

06-10-2013, 12:14 AM
Good.. get in contact ur strong and a bright human..

06-12-2013, 05:54 PM
I am sooooo much better now,i have learned that i am not having a heart attack or stomach problems or chest problems and that its my mind working overtime with my anxiety to cause issues to worry about.These physical symptoms are all in my head even though they are as real as day.I am learning to accept these moments and they are far less intense now and less frequent.Glad i found this website people its a beacon for the anxiety sufferers who live with panic and worry on a daily basis!

06-12-2013, 10:13 PM
Sorry about the loss of your father. I know this must be really hard and has brought on all the anxiety. TherApy will help a great deal. I hope you feel better soon

06-13-2013, 01:16 PM
hi danny sorry to hear about your dad i lost my mum dad 5 years ago and 2 years ago with anxiety i have had it for over 30 years just remember it WONT KILL YOU when u get a panic attack remember when u got one before it didnt harm you and your anxiety will calm down ok