View Full Version : Do You Think Those Who...

06-08-2013, 04:58 PM
Do you think those who claim to have seen a ghost, lived in a haunted house, or otherwise claim to have have seen any paranormal entity (demons, angels, etc.) are not right in the head?

Maybe not totally mental, but just not all there, whether it be a side effect mental illness or not?

06-08-2013, 05:11 PM
Do you think those who claim to have seen a ghost, lived in a haunted house, or otherwise claim to have have seen any paranormal entity (demons, angels, etc.) are not right in the head?

Maybe not totally mental, but just not all there, whether it be a side effect mental illness or not?

Idk... I, myself just don't believe in such things.

06-08-2013, 10:28 PM
Why do you think we don't exist beyond death? The universe is a very strange place, and gets even more weird when you get down to the quantum level. Nothing is really real on the quantum scale, particles disappear and reappear and spring out of nothingness. Conscious observation can alter the behavior of reality. Particles act as though they are connected even at vast distances. Ghosts are pretty pedestrian compared to dark matter, particles that go backwards in time, and parallel universes. Not saying that one thing proves another, but I always find it curious that it is okay to believe in scientific type things that can't be proven, but believing in ghosts makes you crazy.

06-08-2013, 10:58 PM
No, they are not. I have never seen a physical apparition, but there have been certain times when I could sense something, a spirit or whatever. As someone who only believes what they senses it was a pretty odd experience, it's only happened twice to me. Why do you think the concept of a ghost even exists to humans? Most likely because people experience it and share it. It's sometimes happened to my friends, so it's definitely not mental illness.

06-09-2013, 12:12 AM
Why do you think we don't exist beyond death? The universe is a very strange place, and gets even more weird when you get down to the quantum level. Nothing is really real on the quantum scale, particles disappear and reappear and spring out of nothingness. Conscious observation can alter the behavior of reality. Particles act as though they are connected even at vast distances. Ghosts are pretty pedestrian compared to dark matter, particles that go backwards in time, and parallel universes. Not saying that one thing proves another, but I always find it curious that it is okay to believe in scientific type things that can't be proven, but believing in ghosts makes you crazy.

You can't destroy molecular energy, it just changes form. Also the " Science of the Soul" supports scientific research that suggests a separation of a soul from the body upon death. Yes, I believe in Parallel Universe and Ghosts ! I have been with my mum, my dad and my father-in-law when they were dying? First hand I know of the people ( that had passed) that came to visit them. Odd that all three of these people looked at me and said " Do you know who was just here" ? And then proceeded to tell of someone that was dead. Interesting ! Too many coincidences out there. Every time I lose someone close to me I receive a white feather ( these show up in the oddest of places. Last year a close friend of mine died and I found the white feather on the passenger side seat of my "locked "vehicle. :) If you google this, you will find this is a common occurrence and is believed to be a spiritual message. ( white feathers represent spirituality and eternity). Not that you asked, but thought I would offer. The Universe is an awfully Big Place, we are but one Galaxy.

06-09-2013, 04:06 AM
Well, I've never witnessed a paranormal event in my life. There are so many charlatans out there (google "Deepak Chopra" for new age crackpottery). So yes, I consider those who believe in such things nutcases.

06-09-2013, 07:36 AM
No one said it's okay to believe in quantum physics. In the academic world, it's not taken with high esteem because it cannot be totally proven. There are some people that think it's too abstract. People study it, just like people study paranormal activity. Again, no one said it's okay to believe in scientific theories and not paranormal experiences.

Either way, originally I wasn't expressing an opinion. I was asking a question.
Thanks for the answers.

06-09-2013, 08:53 AM
Quantum physics is not disreputable. They just don't understand why the laws of physics get wonky on that level. I was only expressing my opinion to your question. No, I don't think all people who have seen something unexplainable are nuts. It's probably 40% nuts, 50% liars and 10% real.

06-09-2013, 10:45 AM
I see dead people

06-09-2013, 11:03 AM
I feel like I'm reading script from the tv show Big Bang Theory ;)

06-09-2013, 11:46 AM
Quantum physics is not disreputable. They just don't understand why the laws of physics get wonky on that level. I was only expressing my opinion to your question. No, I don't think all people who have seen something unexplainable are nuts. It's probably 40% nuts, 50% liars and 10% real.

I pretty much agree with the above breakdown, but I might go a little higher than 10% who are real. I have been to many mediums and they have told me things and brought me messages that they couldn't possibly know about unless someone on the other side was providing the information. I have NO DOUBT that the soul leaves the body and then continues to live and tries to communicate with us. I also have a friend who has received messages regularly and some of hers are spot on and couldn't possibly just be a lucky guess.

Crazy or not, I have no doubt it's real.

06-09-2013, 01:33 PM
When I hemorrhaged and was in the er, I started going into shock. The heart monitor went off and the room suddenly filled with warm, sunny light. It only lasted a short while because they turned the ivs on full bore and got me stabilized. I felt very calm and lucid. Make of it what you will. I don't think I was hallucinating. I was aware of everything going on. It was at night, but it was like someone had peeled back the ceiling on a bright blue sunny sky.

06-09-2013, 06:34 PM
I see dead people

Bruce Willis at his best !

06-09-2013, 06:47 PM
I pretty much agree with the above breakdown, but I might go a little higher than 10% who are real. I have been to many mediums and they have told me things and brought me messages that they couldn't possibly know about unless someone on the other side was providing the information. I have NO DOUBT that the soul leaves the body and then continues to live and tries to communicate with us. I also have a friend who has received messages regularly and some of hers are spot on and couldn't possibly just be a lucky guess.

Crazy or not, I have no doubt it's real.

I am with you Sue ! Have you ever heard of a Medium named Maureen Hancock, google her. She helps little ones with cancer cross over. She visits regularly at Childrens Hospital in Boston. Trust me if she were a Charlton they wouldn't let her through the door. She tells the parents who will be there to greet them when the child passes, she does some amazing stuff out there. I saw her last year and my mom came though. Trust me I know it was my mother ( there was proof of that). They say little children are closer to the spirit world and that's often why children have imaginary friends. As they grow older they become more closed minded and shut down their receptive nature. I sincerely hope that above all else I never become close minded or disrespectful of another's opinions. :)

06-09-2013, 07:03 PM
When I hemorrhaged and was in the er, I started going into shock. The heart monitor went off and the room suddenly filled with warm, sunny light. It only lasted a short while because they turned the ivs on full bore and got me stabilized. I felt very calm and lucid. Make of it what you will. I don't think I was hallucinating. I was aware of everything going on. It was at night, but it was like someone had peeled back the ceiling on a bright blue sunny sky.
Hey trust me I believe you. When my father in law was terminal my mother in law, my husband I went to see him in the hospital. When we walked in he said to my mother in law "where have you been your brother was just here". Her brother had been his best friend all their lives and he had died two years before. Both my mom and dad did the same thing as they were dying. Trust me it's something to see. Those that choose to believe are familiar with this as they say that someone close to you will appear to meet you when it is your time. ( it's a very peaceful thing to see ). There's a good read out there for all you non believers written by a Neurosurgeon that had a bacterial meningitis and was in a coma. He was a Neurosurgeon, operated on countless brains and was adamantly opposed to the idea that there was life after death, after all he was a scientist. That is adamantly opposed until his brain was comatose, with little brain activity and well then this is his story into another world. The title is " Proof of Heaven" by Eben Alexander III M.D. The thing is this man was escorted by a beautiful women, that later he would find out was his sister that he had never seen ( as he had been put up for adoption ) Later he was shown a picture of her, she had died and by all accounts had been a wonderful giving soul while on Earth. Hey, I don't have any answers but there certainly is a very real possibility that this life is just a stop over. Be well ! How's that DQ ?

06-09-2013, 08:32 PM
Yup, Maureen Hancock is great...... I think she even had a tv show but I'm not sure it ran very long.

My mother had a lot of "visitors" in her hospital room the last week of her life and she was so exasperated that we couldn't see them, even though they were apparently standing right next to us. :)


06-09-2013, 08:45 PM
I personally believe that most alien/ghost encounters can be chalked up to illusions. Sleep paralysis, mental problems, etc....I had sleep paralysis last night and it felt scary as hell lol. The mind is an amazing thing and sometimes people just can't comprehend it imo. Not everyone who sees ghost/aliens are nutcases, just misunderstanding something far more natrual.

06-09-2013, 08:48 PM
I am still seeing dead people

06-09-2013, 08:57 PM
My opinion is that some quirk of self awareness enables the energy pattern which is our thoughts and personality to survive physical death. It's that phenomenon called sentience, which we still do not understand. Some more highly evolved animals may persist too. You may disqualify my opinion because I have seen ghosts twice. Neither time did I find the experience frightening, and both times I knew instantly that they were ghosts. It was like instinct. I knew they were there and yet not real. It's hard to describe. It didn't change my life. It just happened. Oh, and both times there was another witness with me. First time with my wife, who woke me up with a cry that someone was in our room. I turned over and saw a woman with long brown hair standing near out bed. I told her, it's just a ghost, go back to sleep, and we did. Later, we found out a woman had died in our room, and she fit the description of the ghost we saw. The second time my son and I were watching tv and saw an old man walk past the window to the front door. We jumped up and went to the door but no one was there. We described him to our elderly neighbor later and she said it sounded like the previous owner. She got out a picture of him and it was the man.

06-09-2013, 11:52 PM
My opinion is that some quirk of self awareness enables the energy pattern which is our thoughts and personality to survive physical death. It's that phenomenon called sentience, which we still do not understand. Some more highly evolved animals may persist too. You may disqualify my opinion because I have seen ghosts twice. Neither time did I find the experience frightening, and both times I knew instantly that they were ghosts. It was like instinct. I knew they were there and yet not real. It's hard to describe. It didn't change my life. It just happened. Oh, and both times there was another witness with me. First time with my wife, who woke me up with a cry that someone was in our room. I turned over and saw a woman with long brown hair standing near out bed. I told her, it's just a ghost, go back to sleep, and we did. Later, we found out a woman had died in our room, and she fit the description of the ghost we saw. The second time my son and I were watching tv and saw an old man walk past the window to the front door. We jumped up and went to the door but no one was there. We described him to our elderly neighbor later and she said it sounded like the previous owner. She got out a picture of him and it was the man.
Yes, I think if people pay attention, they will become more aware of experiences. I dream of people that have died sometimes and I always know it's just a form of communication. Those dreams always feel so different then other dreams, just so real.

06-09-2013, 11:52 PM
I am still seeing dead people

Under the bed ?

06-10-2013, 12:09 AM
I personally believe that most alien/ghost encounters can be chalked up to illusions. Sleep paralysis, mental problems, etc....I had sleep paralysis last night and it felt scary as hell lol. The mind is an amazing thing and sometimes people just can't comprehend it imo. Not everyone who sees ghost/aliens are nutcases, just misunderstanding something far more natrual.

Can you explain why the people I knew that were dying randomly pulled dead people from their past to hallucinate about ? Why not hallucinate about your favorite Hollywood star. I mentioned Maureen Hancock before, a medium who suffered lead poisoning as a child ( enough lead poisoning to have killed a 200 lb man ) When she was 25 she fell asleep while driving and was in a horrific accident.Her grandmother had died two weeks earlier. When the EMT's arrived at the scene, Maureen was standing beside the totaled vehicle. They asked her " How did you get out of the vehicle" ? Maureen replied "my grandmother helped me out the door" and they said " Mam there are no doors " She fractured almost every bone in her face and was awaiting surgery at Mass General. Two days later as she was awaiting surgery, the surgeons walked in and said " We don't know what's going on here but every bone in your face has healed ". This is documented and these are the things that offer " no" logical explanation. Medical Miracles, Divine Intervention ? Something to think about don't you think. Not so sure I agree that people ( Surgeons and EMT's ) are all nuts.