View Full Version : Cant eat, broken sleep

06-08-2013, 12:53 PM
I've been really bad for a week now and I'm not eating I've lost loads of weight,wake up loads in the night feeling hot,I feel like I'm not here and I'm so tired all the time,my body is so restless,does anyone else get like this?

06-08-2013, 01:06 PM
Those sound like classic symptoms of anxiety. Have you been to the doctor to rule out any medical conditions?

06-08-2013, 01:14 PM
I've only been like this since I've had my bad attacks this week :(

06-08-2013, 01:16 PM
Do you mean panic attacks? If so, how many? What did it feel like? When did it happen specifically? Do you suffer from generalized anxiety or just panic disorder?

06-08-2013, 01:27 PM
I've had Panic attacks for years on and off and first it was the normal one fear of dying or every pain that I had It was the worst,but what's made
Me so bad this time is my Constant though that I'm going to harm my kids and go in to Prison,it has made me feel so ill I've gone to the doctors and they have given me 50g sertraline and I allready take 30g of propranolol I've only been on it for four days so far,I hate these Thoughts,my baby's are my whole life x

06-08-2013, 02:23 PM
Ok, just a few things:

1. Antidepressants (like Sertaline) take a long time to work. You should expect to see results around two weeks into treatment.
Four days is not enough to do anything. Sertaline, or Zoloft, is very effective for panic disorder and severe depression. Just hang in there.

2. Also, the thoughts about harming your children may be indicative of an OCD-type illness. Your thoughts about harming your children are obsessions.
Obsessions are recurring, illogical thoughts. They are obsessions because you have no intention of actually harming your children, yet you worry about it.
This does not mean that you are a bad person. Rather, you are in such a receptive state from fatigue that almost any negative thought may stick and become obsessive.
When an obsessive thought enters your mind, you immediately try to push it out of your conscious awareness. You try to forget about it.
It takes a lot of time and effort, but you will be happier if you stop trying to forget. You will never forget if you concentrate on forgetting.
The only way to permanently get rid of obsessions is to accept them as part of life. Acceptance does not mean approval, it just means that you are acknowledging their existence and will stop fighting them.
When you try to fight your obsessions, you are just adding fuel to the fire. You are literally taking a negative thought and adding more negativity by fighting. Meanwhile, the obsession is loving all the attention and is growing inside your mind.
When you learn to accept the presence of obsessions in your daily life, you are taking away their fear and thus their power over you.
Once the fear is gone, all that remains is an empty memory. Time is all that is needed to fade memory.

06-08-2013, 02:30 PM
Wow you are so spot on with this,I was so scared i was turning in to a nut case over night lol