View Full Version : feeling a little fed up

06-07-2013, 12:21 PM
Is it me or is anyone else loosing faith in the NHS. ?

For years I have been going back and fore to A&E with what I would call chest pains before now they would just be a pain under the left breast which felt like a stitch I would get this often, I believed it was because my breast was larger than my right (almost double the size) so I had a breast reduction on my left breast. Although the pain hasnt been as persistant since that operation (about 1 year ago) I still get the odd sharp pain under my left breast, usually lasts a few seconds.

On 9th april 2013 I went out shopping to get decorating stuff and on the way home in the car I got a weird sensation in my chest was almost like the feeling you get when your heart sinks, but the sensation was allocated to the bottom of the middle of my chest, I found it strange and tried to ignore it and got on with my day, In the night after I had painted ect I felt weird in myself as if I werent in my own body I was shaking inside and my heart was pounding this is when I rushed myself to the hospital . I had a heart rate of 169 and I was rushed into resuscitation unit to be monitored . My ECG was fast but after I was given a injection to stop and restart my heart again it was all fine. Ever since that day I think im gunna die of some sort of heart problem . And when I tell the doctor that they dont really care even when im crying my eyes out. To this date 2 months on im scared of going to sleep just incase I dont wake up. Im not suicidal or anything so thats a good thing that my mind aint in that mode . But I feel let down by the drs . I was referred to cardiology and when I rung to make n appointment they said the waiting list is 7 months ? Are they kidding me . So that makes me think they not taking it seriously . Ive been told I may have anxiety and I been told by someone else I may ahve gastric reflux so im on tablets for both . I feel like a pill bag ! . Just so much to write down in words I cant get them out ! :'( . Everytime I tell them im worried about having a heart attack they basically laugh it off and say its very rare for a 19 year old to have a heart attack . I know it is but if they did the tests quicker my mind would be put at ease ! Why dont they realise that . So basically im.in the 'dont know whats wrong with you' catergory ! Pissing me off :(