View Full Version : CBT and acupuncture works wonders!!!

06-07-2013, 11:47 AM
Since having my second child in November, my anxiety has been at an all time high. I worry about everything! Started with their health and then went to focusing on every ache and pain I was feeling. My mind immediately went to the extremes and everything I was feeling would intensify. In my mind I was experiencing everything from a heart attack, to blood clot, to stroke. I started CBT a few weeks ago and the difference in my anxiety has been unbelievable. I am so much more relaxed and tend to not dwell on every ache and pain I am feeling. I feel more myself now than I have in months. I have also been going to acupuncture and feel that has had a positive effect on the decline in my anxiety. I would strongly recommend both of these treatments :)

06-07-2013, 12:56 PM
What's CBT?

06-07-2013, 07:05 PM
CBT is cognitive behavioural therapy. Since anxiety, like depression involves cognitive distortions....it teaches us ways to change our thought patterns and relaxation techniques

06-07-2013, 07:24 PM
CBT is cognitive behavioural therapy. Since anxiety, like depression involves cognitive distortions....it teaches us ways to change our thought patterns and relaxation techniques

Hey Halleclaire, glad to hear this has done well for you, may I ask where to go for this CBT?

06-07-2013, 07:38 PM
Hey Halleclaire, glad to hear this has done well for you, may I ask where to go for this CBT?

I am seeing a registered psychologist who specializes in CBT for people with anxiety. It really has been so great so far and I am noticing such a difference in my anxiety levels. I was at such a low a few weeks ago and now feel like my old self, really. I thought I was going to be caught in an anxiety rutt forever. I have never taken any medication for my anxiety and CBT is scientifically and clinically proven to have long term results.