View Full Version : Low self confidence sorry long post

06-07-2013, 10:38 AM
Its been a while since I been on here! I try not to linger on anxiety forums only because reading some things makes me anxiety worse and I try not to make my anxiety the main focus of my life which sometimes it happens. But i'm having such a low self confidence problem and I really can't talk about it to people close to me too much. I am 26 years old and have dental problems and I have no insurance that covers fillings, root canals, all I have is something that covers cleanings and extractions. Well a few years ago one of side front tooth the one from the front permanent one broke completely off on the side and it showed the dentine or pulp not sure. Anyway I did not have any insurance to fix it of course I went to a dentist and he basically told me it was going to require a very large filling and it would cost me like 400 dollars and he said it would eventually just fall out. He actually recommended me getting it extracted. I did not listen to him right then and there and I did not have the money! And they would not work with me on payments. So I went about another three months and the tooth became abcessed, OUCH!!! I went and got antibiotics for it and I was basically trying anything in my power to hang on to my tooth for as long as I could. Well it started again my tooth became abcessed three times. The third time, I barely felt any pain I knew it was infected because it was up in my sinuses. The nerve was deadening, so I just made the flat decision to just have the damn thing removed!! They said I could get a flipper but they fall out all of the time! So I did not do that and after this occured I went to another dentist for a cleaning and evaluation, he told me that I could do a implant there of course it was like 1200 dollars! His office gave me a brochure to apply for a dental credit card, ugh no got declined twice for that!! I know this is long bare with me!!! At the end of 2011 I started having pain on the other side of my mouth in the same EXACT tooth that was extracted on my left side next to my front permanent tooth, this time I got to go to a church based dentist practice and she was able to put something in it and it felt great up until now. Now it seems maybe something is exposed, its sensitive to cold and hot and so on. So im thinking that whatever was put into my tooth is now worn off! I am trying to get back into the place but its gonna be July 29th until I can get in and I also have a local dentist school in my area that I have applied to but have been advised it can take 6 months to a year to get in. I CANNOT LOSE this other tooth. I am so scared it is going to get infected and then that will require a root canal and those are BEYOND my price range!! I mean I never even smile anymore now because of the other one. Its not like I don't take care of my teeth but the whole year I did work at a call center and set at my desk alot and ate hard candy I know bad, but it became a habit. I mean I floss and brush and I have even upped my game on flouride rinse!! Also I was told by a dentist I have dry mouth, she said I may not feel like I have dry mouth but I do because of medications I take, and that ruins teeth. I was even told by a guy that I had briefly dated after losing this tooth (before my fiance) that he could not date a girl that was missing a tooth, what a jerk but damn it hurt my feelings so bad I cried!!! I just don't wanna lose another one of teeth especially one of the top front ones. I have a medical assisting degree and still applying for jobs and I dont even wanna apply anymore because I am so embarassed to even go to a interview with my teeth messed up! And idk this is really gonna crush me if I have to lose this tooth, im even crying sitting here writing this post because idk its embarassing :( things are hard on the wallet right now considering my fiance is the only one working. But I don't think I can last till July 29th I think im gonna have to go see how much this is gonna cost and see if I can fix it. I just can't bare the loss of another tooth. I don't know if anyone can relate, and if anyone of u believe in prayer please say a prayer for me. Thanks

06-07-2013, 04:43 PM
Hey Nancy,

This is worth a shot, and quite honestly the only idea I can come up with here. Try this link, or apply for Medicaid asap. Both of these services generally work pretty quickly too. Considering you have no income, then there is no problem. The free clinics in our area are actually quite nice and the Dr's and such are all MD's as well.

