View Full Version : Anxiety and insomnia with periods of feeling normal

06-07-2013, 04:33 AM
First off, hi everyone. New to this forum :)

Exactly three weeks ago to this day I was stupid enough to try MDMA (ecstasy). I'd just finished my first year university exams and my friends, all of whom are non drug users apart from alcohol, tried MDMA. We all had the same dose but I seemed to be effected by it the most. It was a small dose but because I drank a lot of alcohol I seem to have ran my serotonin levels out. If you're reading this right now and about to click off because it's to do with drugs, PLEASE don't! I know I'm an idiot.

Anyway, approximately half an hour after I took it my head went light-headed and I felt extremely scared and confused- a panic attack, but I didn't know what this was at the time. This went away in literally 10 seconds, maybe less, and I carried on to have a good night.

The next morning I felt very paranoid and anxious, this continued for the remaining week, but got better. I found it extremely hard to sleep, often waking up sweating profusely and feeling really confused and strangely NOT tired. My eyesite would be blurry at times due to the anxiety, but subsided after one week.

The following week I returned home from uni and joined the gym again. I felt MUCH better but began to feel a little depressed in the morning times. This ended up going away and towards the end of the week (14 days had passed since I took MDMA) I felt pretty much myself.

So this week (week 3) I had trouble sleeping again, waking up every 2-3 hours and feeling really shit. I started cycling and this went away a little bit. At this point in time I feel anxious and slightly confused but that's not the part that really bothers me... I seem to have this REALLY vivid imagination mind at the moment. My dreams will stick in my head all day and when I'm carrying out a normal every day task I'll randomly remember an old memory from my childhood, or a place. It's really distracting.

-Can anyone else relate to this?
-Is it normal to feel normal again completely randomly?
-When going to sleep last night I felt anxious and it stopped me from nodding off immediately which is what I usually do. Is there anything I can take before bed to help me fall asleep faster?

-My diet is fine. I'm staying away from caffeine and have been taking multivitamins.
-I exercise everyday apart from weekends which I use to rest. (this is when I feel more anxious).
-I'm not drinking and I don't smoke.
-I'm trying to think positively, but all I can think about at the moment is what I've dreamt of :S
-NO history of anxiety or mental health problems in the family.

06-07-2013, 04:43 AM
Hello and welcome,I am new to this page to and I like you Stupidly smoked pot and felt the same as you do now,I wished I never even touched the stuff,I know it's not hard drugs but it was stupid and I've payed the price ever since,your mind will do this,mine does it all the time,have you been to the doctors? Did any of your friends Experience what you have ?

06-07-2013, 05:02 AM
Hello and welcome,I am new to this page to and I like you Stupidly smoked pot and felt the same as you do now,I wished I never even touched the stuff,I know it's not hard drugs but it was stupid and I've payed the price ever since,your mind will do this,mine does it all the time,have you been to the doctors? Did any of your friends Experience what you have ?

I contacted NHS direct and they told me to make an appointment with my GP. Funnily enough, the reason I contacted NHS direct was because my GP told me to! None of my friends experienced any side effect, I think I may have drank more than them. I'm not sure if this is related but about a year ago I did weed for the second time (literally just my second SHARED joint) and I got really anxious due to it, but it went away.

The weird thing about my type of anxiety is that I don't feel socially inept or dread crowded places, those things don't bother me. I never have a tight chest or physical symptoms, I had a headache a week ago but I think that was unrelated. The thing that's making me feel uneasy and 'not myself' is this constant imaginative memory and slight confusion. If I stopped dreaming for maybe a week straight I think I'd feel better.

For example, generalized anxiety disorder is characterised by excessive worrying about things. Well I don't do this, I don't seem to fall into any of the anxiety categories. When my mind wanders off thinking about last night's dreams or memories from the day, I start to feel anxious, only because I know I'm thinking about them again and I don't know why.

The only thing I have changed since this anxiety problem is not consuming caffeine and also taking a Neurozan Plus a day which contains 5htp.

Did you smoke pot for a long time or was it just once?

06-07-2013, 05:20 AM
No just a few time that was so many years ago now,I don't smoke I've stopped drinking I stopped all Caffeine now to

06-07-2013, 05:41 AM
No just a few time that was so many years ago now,I don't smoke I've stopped drinking I stopped all Caffeine now to

How long ago did you last smoke it?

06-07-2013, 06:12 AM
God years ago like 20 years or so now

06-07-2013, 06:14 AM
Years and years ago like 20 years lol

06-07-2013, 08:18 AM
Another story of pot abuse leading to anxiety. I wonder if marijuana does something to brain.

06-07-2013, 08:40 AM
Oh I was not pot head I did not even do it more than three times if that

06-07-2013, 08:42 AM
It did start to my panic attacks tho as I did not like way it made me feel,just like when you have to much to drink that's why I've never been drunk and only have a small amount which now I don't even touch a drop

06-07-2013, 09:18 AM
I want to try marijuana too

06-07-2013, 09:35 AM
Yes i am abuse of marijuana use.. dont do that shit.. i was smoking it for 8 yrs..

06-07-2013, 09:53 AM
If I had the chance to turn back time to even trying it a few time I would,I've never touched anything else in my life I would be to scared x

07-15-2013, 01:24 PM
I can completely relate to this story.

My anxiety began from using mdma, but unlike you I had used a few times before.

I took it one night and was apprehensive about it, had a huge panic attack and ended up in hosptial for the night in hospital.

I was a bit shaky for the week, but seemed to get better then went downhill and had another panic attack this was down to stress from exams and the post traumatic stress of taking it!

I've never ever been the same again, but I am in recovery now and havnt had a panic attack in months now, and i know i never will!

My advice is to keep up the exercise, use relaxation cds (meditation), I also had a couple of sessions of hypnotherapy which was good.

07-15-2013, 02:11 PM
Hello and welcome,I am new to this page to and I like you Stupidly smoked pot and felt the same as you do now,I wished I never even touched the stuff,I know it's not hard drugs but it was stupid and I've payed the price ever since,your mind will do this,mine does it all the time,have you been to the doctors? Did any of your friends Experience what you have ?

This is exactly how my anxiety started. I've smoked it plenty of times before but I think this time I drank the night before and on the night I smoked which made it worst. I wish I could turn back the time.

07-15-2013, 04:15 PM
I've struggled with bouts of insomnia my whole life and one correlation I eventually figured out was that multivitamins exacerbate it. I now take vitamin D3 and sometimes b12 in the mornings. Taking any vitamins later in the day will almost always make it hard for me to fall asleep. I wonder when you're taking the multis? It's not the whole problem for me but something I've added to my avoid list, along with caffeine and alcohol, to a large extent.