View Full Version : feels like my body is deteriorating.

06-06-2013, 10:44 PM
Does anyone else have health anxiety symptoms that make them feel like their health is deteriorating? Probably a silly question but I feel as if my muscles have toxins in them. I have put a little weight back on which is good but I still have the achy muscles that feel like they are toxic, the feeling is weird and its more so in my thighs then anywhere else. Also my veins in my hands and feet are pretty much visible all the time now. What makes me feel the worst tho is I feel im getting another throat infection :( I am eating healthy and trying to boost my immune system but am I always getting sick lately. I normally dont get sick. My cbt is working to an extent but as soon as I start to feel sick/fluish I start to think the worst and now I find that I dont want to go to the drs as im trying to tell myself im healthy even tho deep down I do not believe it. I dont know what to do and am at my wits end :(

06-06-2013, 10:53 PM
I also forgot to mention that my anxiety feels like viscious cycle... I can't seem to get a break from any symptom... 4 constant months of different symptoms. The only stress I have in my life atm is my health, the other stresses have subsided. My regular symptoms are; constant aches in legs and feet, visible veins, niggling pains in arms, stiff neck and on and off flu/infection symptoms. Arrgh over it!

06-06-2013, 10:58 PM
My opinion is you really should see a doctor to see if there is an underlying cause to your symptoms because the longer you prolong this the further down that negative path you will go. Please seek some help and then things will turn around for you. Good Luck.

06-06-2013, 11:29 PM
Anxiety can do weird things to you. I often feel like I'm on the verge of some catostrophic disease (right now I fear I'm becoming schizophrenic which shares many symptoms with depression/anxiety :/) I'm not sure what you mean by toxic though, I wouldn't know what toxic feels like, I'm assuming it's mostly mental though. Go check it out if you're really concerned, just try not to get caught up in a cycle of not believing your doctor as most hypochondriacs do :p

06-07-2013, 12:03 AM
Anxiety can do weird things to you. I often feel like I'm on the verge of some catostrophic disease (right now I fear I'm becoming schizophrenic which shares many symptoms with depression/anxiety :/) I'm not sure what you mean by toxic though, I wouldn't know what toxic feels like, I'm assuming it's mostly mental though. Go check it out if you're really concerned, just try not to get caught up in a cycle of not believing your doctor as most hypochondriacs do :p

Thanks for the response. As far as toxic I mean my body feels like their is something wrong as im always achy and it doesn't seem to ease up even when im relaxed. I know I need to get back into exercising and I have attempted but I think I need to get the all clear from my doc first. I think the getting sick is one thing that gets me down the most... I start to feel ok and then bam.. im sick again.

06-07-2013, 12:15 AM
My opinion is you really should see a doctor to see if there is an underlying cause to your symptoms because the longer you prolong this the further down that negative path you will go. Please seek some help and then things will turn around for you. Good Luck.

Thanks for your response and your right! I need to seek help just to hopefully put my mind at ease. I do see a physiologist who is helping me greatly but realistically Im the only one who can change the way I think and at the moment im not trying as hard as I could.

06-07-2013, 01:33 AM
Stupid auto text... I see a psychologist lol