View Full Version : Anxiety is consuming my life

06-06-2013, 11:28 AM
Hi guys,

I need some help, my anxiety is slowly starting to take over my life. Back in September, when I first started college I had an issue in which I got really nervous because something weird had happened to me, I couldn't feel surfaces with my hands. I could feel temperatures and know if something I was touching was hot/cold but I had no idea if the surface of it was rough, smooth etc. I freaked out over this for a few days and then ended up at the ER, and after a night in the ER they determined that the issue was anxiety and would go away in a few days. It did go away within a few days, I think I was relived to find out that it wasn't a serious medical condition so some of the anxiety went away. In that episode my parents had to drive up to my school to get me and take me to the ER, and were not upset but thought it was a big joke that I had made such a big deal of anxiety at the time (now then, I had no idea this was "just anxiety" for all I knew it was a serious medical condition).

Now, months later I'm starting to notice that anxiety is taking over my life. Here are a few examples:

-Driving: I always get irrational fears when I'm driving that I'm going to get in a car accident, get lost, my car is not that dependable so I'm always overly nervous that my car is going to break down going somewhere important such as work etc.

-Time: I always have to leave my house ridiculously early whenever I'm going anywhere because I go into panic mode if I'm late for anything. Even non important things such as being at a friend's house at the time I told them I would be there at.

-Music: I've been playing guitar for most of my life but yet I am still too nervous to play in front of family, friends and even play with other friends that play music as well. It's not your normal nervousness, it's a literally I can't bring myself to do it nervousness

-Schoolwork: I'm a good student, and work very hard at school but yet every time I hand in a paper/project, which I do know deep down inside I will get a good grade on I stress beyond belief. I will literally go days/weeks thinking about that paper and being nervous over a grade, when I do know that indeed I am acting irrationally as I did do fine on the project. It will literally consume my life until I get that paper back.

-Relationship: I get a constant fear that my bf doesn't like me as much as I like him, even though I do know that's not true. I always over analyze everything he does and says, to a point where it's ridiculous and I get myself all nervous and worked up for no reason.

Some of the physical symptoms of anxiety are starting to show up, the hand thing again, I've noticed some tightening in my chest and I bite my nails as well. I'd like to go to a doctor, and get on medicine or whatever the doctor would feel is the best solution for me, but after how my parents acted a few months ago I feel reluctant to tell them these issues out of embarrassment. It's difficult to go to the doctor's on my own, as I am on their heath insurance. I just want to get a handle on my life again, any suggestions on how I can deal with this on my own?

06-06-2013, 11:35 AM
I think this is all part on the Anxiety,your mind is allways thinking of really bad life outcomes,tho if you read about Anxiety it Explains to you that your mind will tell you the most Irrational and Fearful thoughts that will Torment and fuel your Anxiety more,believe me I know as I do it all the time lately x

06-06-2013, 12:26 PM
Dont hesitate to talk about it with your parents.. When we dont have the support of the family everything is harder. To share your problems and get support will make you more confident.. Dont keep only with yourself.. God Bless you :)