View Full Version : Does this sound like its to do with anxiety?

08-24-2007, 02:30 AM
Could someone help me please?

Ive been suffering from anxiety for 2 years now, and april this year i went on beta-blockkers, which helped me a lot! but i came off them in june as i found out i was pregnant and didnt want t be taking medication as i worry it will harm baby. well since coming off them, i have been "ok" i do have my bad days but mostly have been "ok" what i want to knwo is cos its on my mind all the time is - is it normal to have chest pain ( it last for sometimes a few hrs a day on and off aswell) even when im "ok" ? i just worry that its angina cos im not havign full blown anxiety or panic attacks.

Please someone tell me its normal, so i can get on with a happy pregnancy :(

08-24-2007, 05:43 AM
This forums fucking useless! ive had 10 people view it and no replies!

08-24-2007, 07:47 AM
Hey Haley,
First off, relax a bit, you sound anxious. Keep in mind it's the middle of the night where most of us are. Maybe those that viewed it weren't sure of the answer.

It is normal to have chest pain with anxiety, yes, very normal.
It is also normal to have chest pain during pregnancy from stomach acids.

Either way I think you're fine.

I assume you're going to the doc and getting checked out regularly as well.

To be honest I think your attitude would be a much bigger concern than chest pain. Everyone is here to try and help one another, certainly no need to swear at us because we're not doing it quickly enough for you.


08-25-2007, 02:47 AM
Im sorry, i was having a bad day yesterday, i felt noone cares or wants to help. im not a bad person, i was just having a bad day. sorry

08-25-2007, 05:44 AM
We all have bad days, no problem.

How are you doing today?

08-25-2007, 06:53 AM
Im sorry, i was having a bad day yesterday, i felt noone cares or wants to help. im not a bad person, i was just having a bad day. sorry

I think that pretty much all of us would help you if we could. And, although I do not know you, I know that, chances are HIGHLY in favor of you NOT being a bad person. But keep in mind that, sometimes, we just might not know the answer.

08-25-2007, 09:31 PM
Hi Haley, Chest pain is not uncommon with anxiety, even though you feel "ok", you probablly still have an underlying anxiety issue. Also, the chest pain could be Reflux. I didn't believe it myself but when I was pregnant with my second daughter, I was getting chest pain where I couldn't move, they sent me for all kinds of tests and everything was fine. Even after I had my daughter i still had the pain. It took until after my third daughter to find out I have reflux and I have been taking my meds for almost a year now, and the chest pain is gone. You should talk to your GP and ask about GERD. "Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease" Good Luck.

08-26-2007, 12:30 AM
Hi Haley.

I get a lot of chest pains, which I've had checked out previously by my doc who says it's nothing to worry about and, for me, it's caused by underlying stress...

The views on the threads aren;t always actual members, I run my own forum and you get what they call 'google bots' and other advertising engines which makes it look like people have viewed your thread, when in fact it's just been this automated advertising thing.

08-26-2007, 03:37 AM
Thank you very very much everyone for all your replies.

I really hope its to do with anxiety even though im feeling "ok".

Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease - is thats serious? :?

08-26-2007, 04:27 AM
I just tried to post a link to the NHS website regarding this, but I haven't been a member long enough :?

Just stick the illness into Google, and about 5 links down there's the info on NHS Direct...

It's nothing serious at all. I suffer terribly from heartburn, to the point where I actually get my tablets on prescription... Even just something as simple as a glass of water can set mine off :shock:

My doc said that changing certain things in my lifestyle can also combat it, but as he knows my current situation he's given me the tablets to deal with it.

08-26-2007, 07:09 PM
GERD is just Reflux, its not life threatening at all, but should be treated. It more than likely is the anxiety, but just question the Doc when you go see him. ;)