View Full Version : Heart skipping

06-05-2013, 06:45 PM
Why is it that when my heart skips my body feels tired n then I can't really breath n my stomach gets hard ?? I'm so scared I'm alone with my girls my fiancé travels due to work I'm tired of living in fear everyday n thinking if my heart is giving up :( I do have back up refluxes n pvcs but I'm tired if not able to eat anything I want n feeling lumps in my throat n worrying so much about my heart or wen I do to much I feel pressure in my chest can somone talk to me

06-05-2013, 07:31 PM
I have had the skipping heart beats and it's very scary. The first episode sent me to the ER. Now I suffer from daily chest and back pains that are either sharp pains or dull deep pains. Usually when I feel these pains I also feel pressure in my face. It's very frustrating!

06-05-2013, 07:34 PM
I have had the skipping heart beats and it's very scary. The first episode sent me to the ER. Now I suffer from daily chest and back pains that are either sharp pains or dull deep pains. Usually when I feel these pains I also feel pressure in my face. It's very frustrating!

Yea me too I feel pressure in the face as well :( so u dont suffer skipping beats anymore ?

06-05-2013, 07:35 PM
I have had the skipping heart beats and it's very scary. The first episode sent me to the ER. Now I suffer from daily chest and back pains that are either sharp pains or dull deep pains. Usually when I feel these pains I also feel pressure in my face. It's very frustrating!

Yea me too I feel pressure in the face as well :( so u dont suffer skipping beats anymore ?

06-05-2013, 07:42 PM
They do not show up near as much anymore, however the trade off has become chest and back pain that can be pretty scary accompanied with shortness of breath. No matter how hard I try to convince myself it's just anxiety it happens anyway. I also feel faint and lightheaded. When I try to fall asleep it takes like an hour. When I finally do fall asleep it's only for about 4 hours and when I wake up I feel like I have been up for hours. The symptoms will change and there will be better days than others. I am on a business trip right now and am praying I continue to have a good day tomorrow.

06-05-2013, 07:44 PM
It's crazy, I am nervous about being away from home right now but I feel ok. I could get home tomorrow and I could begin to feel horrible again. My daily symptoms are not linked to anything they just happen. When I go to the doctors or something that makes me nervous I feel my heart beating and then sometimes the anxiety will come over me and I feel like I will pass out.

06-06-2013, 02:20 AM
I also have that flutter/skipped heart beat sensation! They are ry scary and I hate them! :/
my first time I had this I went to the ER and they did blood work, EKG, and chest X-ray.they all came back good but I still get them sensations here and there! hang in there! :/

06-06-2013, 09:46 AM
I also have that flutter/skipped heart beat sensation! They are ry scary and I hate them! :/
my first time I had this I went to the ER and they did blood work, EKG, and chest X-ray.they all came back good but I still get them sensations here and there! hang in there! :/

Thank you :)

06-06-2013, 10:04 AM
I too experience d same, due to this i get really bad headache and nausea, feelz like going to faint but i make myself understand thats its anxiety and i will b ok..

06-06-2013, 06:15 PM
I experience this as well on a daily basis. The heart skipping is pretty scary. I also get the hard stomach. For me its almost like a bloated or tensing feeling.

06-06-2013, 06:36 PM
Why is it that when my heart skips my body feels tired n then I can't really breath n my stomach gets hard ?? I'm so scared I'm alone with my girls my fiancé travels due to work I'm tired of living in fear everyday n thinking if my heart is giving up :( I do have back up refluxes n pvcs but I'm tired if not able to eat anything I want n feeling lumps in my throat n worrying so much about my heart or wen I do to much I feel pressure in my chest can somone talk to me

I have beaten this bastard we refer to as " Anxiety" and I still get the skipped beats

They don't scare me because I have had them for so long and nothing has ever happened

It's normal for anxiety sufferers because we shallow breath a lot with our chest, which is a major cause of the skipped beats

So my question to you would be, how many more skipped betas is it going to take before you realize they are harmless?

They are or you would have kicked the bucket by now!!!!!

06-06-2013, 06:42 PM
If I didn't get warm and dizzy when it happened, I might forget about em. I'm sure the warm and dizzy is just the fear when it happens. I hope lol

06-06-2013, 06:49 PM
It is, sometimes I get a rush feeling to my head and I lose some hearing for a second. It's the nature of it unfortunately...... Sometimes they hit hard and other it's barley noticeable.

06-06-2013, 08:02 PM
Missing heart beats, or flutters or it banging in your chest are really worrying when happening but very common effect of anxiety.
You can only beat it by accepting it will happen and learning how not to panic about it, then you can learn to calm Dow and let it pass knowing it will not hurt you.
It just takes time and practice to deal with it.
Simple slow, deep breathing and concentrating on your breath helps it to pass.

06-06-2013, 09:58 PM
It is, sometimes I get a rush feeling to my head and I lose some hearing for a second. It's the nature of it unfortunately...... Sometimes they hit hard and other it's barley noticeable.

Yea same here :(

06-06-2013, 09:58 PM
If I didn't get warm and dizzy when it happened, I might forget about em. I'm sure the warm and dizzy is just the fear when it happens. I hope lol

I get the same feeling to like a wierd rush through my body :( n I feel tired all of a sudden

06-06-2013, 10:01 PM
Ur so lucky I'm always in fear even thought its been a year I have had these its just so wierd because wen I eat such as bread I get like a lump is stuck in my throat n then I feel like it's coming from my heart n then my heart starts to beat all kind of weirdness lol.. I wish I didn't have to think about it .. I try not to but mostly I'm home alone with my girls & all I think about it's that .. Especially wen my daugther wants me to carry her I feel like it's to much for my heart I even feel pressure in my chest :(

06-07-2013, 05:58 AM
I agree. The skipping can be very scary. Everyone suffers from these skipped beats but those of us with health anxiety are more in tune with our bodies and notice them a lot more. When we do notice them, adrenaline pumps through our bodies making us much more anxious, causing more skipped beats. Learning how to cope with them and relax is an important step. Deep breathing will help and also things like coughing, and bearing down like you need to have a bowel movement. I experience these skipped beats too, especially when my anxiety is up!! But it is usually only twice a day with one skipped beat. Maybe because I have learned to not get myself worked up now when they happen and just try to breathe through them. I am now experiencing quick sharp pains in my chest, which is also scary because my mind automatically takes me to it being a heart problem!!

06-07-2013, 06:52 AM
halleclaire: I too experience the quick sharp shots of pain at random areas over my chest, on my sides, and in my back. I will also only get one skip beat. In addition to the sharp pains, I have a constant tight chest and other duller pains in the chest and back that come and go. Lately I have also developed kidney area pains. It's more noticeable when sitting and now has me worried if my kidneys are failing! What's weird is typically I will only have the chest pains with no other symptoms, then the symptoms switch and ill get kidney area pain with no chest pain. It's like it just moves from one thing to the next!

06-07-2013, 08:31 AM
If I didn't get warm and dizzy when it happened, I might forget about em. I'm sure the warm and dizzy is just the fear when it happens. I hope lol

I get the same feeling. It's like a warm sensation then it's like I miss a breath then It's a hard pound then I'm back to normal. If u can call it that

06-07-2013, 08:35 AM
I've been using this ECG heart monitor for a week and I am averaging about 6 or 7 heart palps/ slipped beats per day. Is that normal with anxiety, I know we are more in tune etc but is that too much? Some skipped beats pass by and I'm unable to record them

06-07-2013, 08:39 AM
I've been using this ECG heart monitor for a week and I am averaging about 6 or 7 heart palps/ slipped beats per day. Is that normal with anxiety, I know we are more in tune etc but is that too much? Some skipped beats pass by and I'm unable to record them

I have tons when my anxiety kicks up, or even if I have too much caffeine. I just don't react to them. The night before a colonoscopy, they were so many , every few seconds, felty horrible. They said I dehydrated. So, drink lots of fluid. So for the amount of anxiety you are having , I would say no and that it will be fine.

06-07-2013, 08:46 AM
I've had so many I've lost count over the years,ive had so many tests done to and they have all come back normal so you have nothing to worry about it's normal 😊

06-07-2013, 08:56 AM
I'm sitting here at the doctors with high BP 141/85......

Does anyone else's BP go up when they go to the doctors??

06-07-2013, 09:55 AM
I think when your anywhere like the doctors or Hospital it does,it's a normal feeling :)

06-07-2013, 12:44 PM
I'm sitting here at the doctors with high BP 141/85......

Does anyone else's BP go up when they go to the doctors??

It's referred to as " white coat syndrome or white coat anxiety " and my bp goes up a good 25 points at the doc.

06-07-2013, 12:54 PM
I'm sitting here at the doctors with high BP 141/85......

Does anyone else's BP go up when they go to the doctors??
The clinical name for this is " White Coat Hypertension" simply means your BP goes up in response to Dr, Hospital anything medical ( goes hand and hand with Health Anxiety. You BP is good though ! :)

06-07-2013, 02:05 PM
I get the same feeling. It's like a warm sensation then it's like I miss a breath then It's a hard pound then I'm back to normal. If u can call it that

Pretty much the same thing. Sometimes I gotta lay down for a minute

06-07-2013, 03:35 PM
Oh yeah, my bp sky rockets. I can feel it go up. I get all the signs of a panic attack every time they check it.

06-07-2013, 03:36 PM
I'm sitting here at the doctors with high BP 141/85......

Does anyone else's BP go up when they go to the doctors??

Oh yeah, my bp sky rockets. I can feel it go up. I get all the signs of a panic attack every time they check it. Mine has hit 180/100 before.

06-07-2013, 05:20 PM
Mine is still up even at home...... This really is frustrating. When I wake up my BP is like 110/70. Now it's 141/88...... And I don't even feel stressed right now. This generalized anxiety is hard to beat.

06-07-2013, 08:31 PM
My question is how many is too many skipped beats/ heart palps in a day? How can a normal person NOT NOTICE THIS? How can this be ok? How can this NOT harm you? I need some reassurance I guess

06-08-2013, 06:20 AM
My question is how many is too many skipped beats/ heart palps in a day? How can a normal person NOT NOTICE THIS? How can this be ok? How can this NOT harm you? I need some reassurance I guess

There is no number on how many you can have a day!! My doc told me that everyone gets them numerous times throughout the day. The reason any other person wouldn't notice this is because if there heart is typically at a steady pace, they won't feel them or notice them. Those with anxiety usually have a higher hate rate or a "pounding heart". With a pounding heart, we notice our heart beating, sometimes as though it is coming out of our chest. So when it skips a beat, we immediately feel the change in rhythm. No one has perfect heart rhythm!!! Don't worry about them unless they begin to become problematic and accompanied by chest pain and shortness of breath. Even then, they can totally be just brought on by anxiety!! Best thing to do is to keep track of how often you get them, and when you notice you get them more often. Bring that info to your doc and he/she may be able to give you the reassurance you need.

06-08-2013, 07:29 AM
How can I be at work sitting here and all is well then BAM out of the blue, racy pounding heart rate and higher heart rate, I wasn't doing anything to provoke that's what puzzles me?!?!?

06-08-2013, 10:13 AM
How can I be at work sitting here and all is well then BAM out of the blue, racy pounding heart rate and higher heart rate, I wasn't doing anything to provoke that's what puzzles me?!?!?

U are more than likely to experience an attack when you are relaxing in the beginning because you are more aware of what your body is signaling. If you were exercising, for example, adrenaline would already be pumping and your heart rate would be elevated. There is no need for your body to go into "fight or flight" mode. This is why a lot of anxiety or panic attacks happen in the evenings when people are relaxing.

06-08-2013, 05:48 PM
How can I be at work sitting here and all is well then BAM out of the blue, racy pounding heart rate and higher heart rate, I wasn't doing anything to provoke that's what puzzles me?!?!?

You don't have to do anything. Your mind has a memory, so it's firing out these symptoms because it has been trained to do it by your thoughts. Even though you may not be thinking about it right then and there, it is in a pattern. By not reacting to these weird skipped beats etc..you begin to " retrain" the mind and these random firings will stop. That's why it is so important to develop positive thoughts, this keeps these random events few and far between and develops self confidence to give you strength to face the symptoms and ignore them when they do occur. Are you feeling any better ? At least the Congestion is gone.

06-08-2013, 06:47 PM
Thank The Lord my congestion is gone still having palps but I'm recording them writing it down and reeeeely trying not to dwell on them thank you for asking :)

06-08-2013, 08:08 PM
Thank The Lord my congestion is gone still having palps but I'm recording them writing it down and reeeeely trying not to dwell on them thank you for asking :)
I think you will feel 100% better when this month is over and the monitor is off ( but maybe you will miss it ? Lol ...not ). Honestly I think this will reassure you that this is just anxiety ( horrid but manageable) Be Well !

06-08-2013, 08:33 PM
This is what unnerves me.... I'm at the race doing NOTHING and my heart rate is real elevated . Is it because I'm fat??? In just beyond sick of this OCD mental behavior .

06-08-2013, 09:30 PM
So I was cheering and screaming at the race and after ten minutes my heart rate is still 120 is that normal or should it have already went back down now have bad headache?!?!?

06-09-2013, 06:45 PM
Well tonight I was talking to my girlfriend and out of no where I felt my heart pound hard in my throat during an inhale. It kept doing this every time I would inhale for a few breaths until it finally stopped. Every time I would take a breath in my heart would hit hard and I would feel it in my throat and chest. It was very scary. Has anyone else experienced this when breathing in?? I have also been depressed and lightheaded tonight.

06-09-2013, 09:18 PM
Well tonight I was talking to my girlfriend and out of no where I felt my heart pound hard in my throat during an inhale. It kept doing this every time I would inhale for a few breaths until it finally stopped. Every time I would take a breath in my heart would hit hard and I would feel it in my throat and chest. It was very scary. Has anyone else experienced this when breathing in?? I have also been depressed and lightheaded tonight.

Yes I have felt that too , what has been scaring me is that I feel alot if pressure in chest n I can't really even breath it's hard too :( sometimes it's hard to bielieve it's not my heart