View Full Version : OCD taking over!

06-05-2013, 06:21 PM
My OCD is with chemicals (ex: windex, any cleaner, fertilizer, grass seed) almost anything. Im afraid to even go on walks outside because im afraid that there might be fertilizer on the ground somewhere. I dont even like being in my house. I feel the need to wash my hands after i touch almost anything like the door or the refrigerator the cupboards literally everything. Its very stressful and tiring. Nobody understands why i wash my hands so much. I just feel like there is something on them that are bad and that if i eat something without washing my hands or put my hands anywhere around my mouth that i will ingest it and i will die. Im even afraid to sleep in my own room. I have been sleeping on the couch for about 2 weeks or more. Im going to be seeing a behavioral therapist to see if that helps any. I also want to take natural remedies to help with my OCD but im not really sure what to take. I do go see my dr. on the 21 so i guess i can ask her. I use to be on Paxil but it didnt help at all it just made me mad at everyone and i was just mad all the time. I was never happy when i was on it so i took myself off even though my dr. told me not too. Anybody have any advice that would help me out a little?

06-05-2013, 07:10 PM
What makes you scared to sleep in your room? I too wash my hands a lot, but it's more a germ anxiety thing. Probably every 2-3 hours I wash them.

I think the way the media talks about chemicals, it makes sense that you will be a little afraid of them. However, living clean is very different than living in fear. Perhaps you can try to work yourself in the bedroom just sitting there for a while, maybe 20 minutes at first and work your way up to an hour. Then a few hours and eventually overnight. Going from not doing something to doing it for a long time can be worrisome for some people, but it's easier if you gradually introduce it to yourself.

As for meds, I take lexapro. It seems to help me and I don't have too many side effects. Takes a few weeks to get in your system. Hope you are doing better soon!

06-05-2013, 09:40 PM
What makes you scared to sleep in your room? I too wash my hands a lot, but it's more a germ anxiety thing. Probably every 2-3 hours I wash them.

I think the way the media talks about chemicals, it makes sense that you will be a little afraid of them. However, living clean is very different than living in fear. Perhaps you can try to work yourself in the bedroom just sitting there for a while, maybe 20 minutes at first and work your way up to an hour. Then a few hours and eventually overnight. Going from not doing something to doing it for a long time can be worrisome for some people, but it's easier if you gradually introduce it to yourself.

As for meds, I take lexapro. It seems to help me and I don't have too many side effects. Takes a few weeks to get in your system. Hope you are doing better soon!

my boyfriend said something about me walking in grass that had a sign that they put when they put chemicals in the grass and since i did it with flip flops on i freaked out and i had slept in my bed so i dont want to sleep in fear of maybe having chemicals in my bed. i dont like going in my room at all i think that everything is contaminated with something.

i wash my hands to many times to remember at least 30 times a day if not more. my hands are dry and cracking open and red because i wash them so much.

i need to clean my room and just get everything washed but its hard cuz ill end up in an anxiety attack.

this is effecting the relationships with everyone i know and my bf has made it very clear that if something doesnt change soon he will probably break up with me. as for my dad he keeps telling me that i just need to get over it.

very frustrated and sad and i feel alone cuz i have no one to talk to who understands.

06-05-2013, 11:09 PM
So the good news I heard was you slept in your bed. If that's all your feet touched, then you probably just need to wash your sheets. But why not put on a pair of plastic gloves and then do the cleaning. Then you can dispose of your gloves and shower and you'll know nothing is on you and you didn't directly touch anything.

And if its been a while, I'd guess even if the chemical was a problem, it's probably naturally dissipated by now.

06-07-2013, 12:55 AM
So the good news I heard was you slept in your bed. If that's all your feet touched, then you probably just need to wash your sheets. But why not put on a pair of plastic gloves and then do the cleaning. Then you can dispose of your gloves and shower and you'll know nothing is on you and you didn't directly touch anything.

And if its been a while, I'd guess even if the chemical was a problem, it's probably naturally dissipated by now.

I want to believe that the chemical cant harm me any more but i just think it still can.

I guess i could do that i do really need to get to my room and clean it.

12-29-2014, 11:41 AM
I know this was over a year ago but just wondering how your progress is going. My husband has ocd and has the same fertilizer fears as you as well as many chemical fears. Just wondering if you're still active on this page