View Full Version : Muscle and joint pain?

06-05-2013, 09:42 AM
I was diagnosed with anxiety in April after having feelings of like a constant phlegmy feeling in my throat and tightness at the bottom of my throat as well, above my collabone area. I had blood tests and chest xrays to rule out any other kind if medical problem. My dr prescribed me .5 mg lorazepam 2x a day as needed. Honestly I've only ever taken a whole pill maybe 5 times. The whole pill alone makes me groggy and kind of out of it, not a good thing when im at work. I do take half a pill on occasion but nothin consistent. I can't tell if its working or not. I've stopped with the tightness in the throat but still get the phlegmy feeling and now sporadic muscle or joint pain or both. Also lots of twitches in my legs especially the calves, neck and occasionally in my eye. When I start having these symptoms and I take a lorazepam it doesn't seem to help with the body aches. Is that normal or does it seem like this pill isn't helping me? Does anyone else have these aches and pains and what do you do to make them stop? I've convinced myself I have some disease causing the pains. I have pretty much hypochondria anxiety and its been way out of hand lately. I've always been a worrier an stressed and play the what if game over and over with myself, it just seems that its started to take physical form within the last couple months. I hate feeling like this, I feel like I'm 80 years old. I do notice that when I keep busy or don't concentrate on the pains they're not as bad but then I wonder how it is that my body can create such vivid pain just with my thought. What does anyone recommend to help with this?

06-05-2013, 10:33 AM
Uh, I could've written this word for word. Right now I have the exact throat pain/discomfort in the same spot and TONS oh phlegm. My docs all say it's a virus, but it's been 2.5 months. I'm beside myself. I also have the leg, feet, and hand twitching....

06-05-2013, 10:36 AM
Ha, and I also get the sporadic muscle and joint pain. Seriously, I've never seen anyone on here with the same exact symptoms as me.

06-05-2013, 10:40 AM
That's somewhat comforting :). My drs right off told me either anxiety or allergies but were def leaning more onwards anxiety. I was told about 11 years ago I had anxiety because I had heart palpitations then and still do, and I was given some Xanax samples but never took them. I wasn't convinced I had anxiety because it didn't bother me much, I had no physical symptoms other than the heart palps. Now it's constant symptoms! If its not one thing it's another! So annoying isn't it??

06-05-2013, 11:01 AM
Oh my gosh. I always say that to my husband. The symptoms are relentless. Once one is gone another begins. It's so annoying. I'd like to just feel myself again. Everyday is another difficult one. I always wonder if it'll be a good day or a bad one. I sometimes close my eyes and dream of the days when I wasn't anxious and didn't let symptoms get to me. Those were good days that I took for granted. I miss them so much!

06-05-2013, 11:11 AM
Yep! I've told my co worker numerous times that I just want to feel normal again haha. My husband knows what's going on with me but he doesn't get it. He says well don't worry about things so much. I try to tell him it's not that easy that I can't control it even though I try to. I love my kids to death too but they fight non stop so that intensifies what I feel and plus I have like an OCD about my house being clean. I have 4 kids so I know I shouldn't expect it spotless but I flip out if there's clutter everywhere! I know I need to get in to see a psychiatrist but I feel so weird at the thought of even doing that :(.