View Full Version : Anxiety and ???

06-04-2013, 10:44 PM
Ok so here is my story. 2 months ago anxiety struck me out of no where. I was not stressing / worrying about anything.it was not a full blown panic attack, but more like a constant urge of nervousness,got to keep moving or i'm going to die weird feeling I couldn't sleep or keep any food down I felt horrible .this happened on a Saturday, after the weekend of no sleep, and not eating , Monday came along and i couldn't take it anymore and decided to visit a walk in clinic (no insurance ) they did blood work and everything was fine, dr. Tells me I'm going thru anxiety, he tells me I have high blood pressure and my heart rate is up. He prescribes me propranolol for hb, and trazodone for sleep. Forward two weeks later,still feeling like crap, and 10lbs lost from not eating I stopped taking both medications because they made me feel worse. I looked into herbal supplement's, here are some I used, l-theanine, b12,chamomile,holy basil,omega's 3,6,9,and daily multi-vit from costco. So here is where my question starts.... My anxiety is almost completely gone. Sometimes I'll get the sensation for a couple minutes, then it's gone, the only symptom that bothers me is this... The constant feeling of lightheadedness, and off balance . I've had this for almost a month, and I can't seem to shake it. I got health insurance finally, I've had my blood pressure and heart rate tested 3x and there all normal (yay!!) I visited an E.N.T. today because I thought it may be an inner ear infection, but I'm fine in that department also.... So what gives?? My next step is an MRI, but I'm still debating it. Dr. Said he was 99% sure it was not something in my brain... But there still is that 1%. The off balance and light headed feeling sucks... I can still do all my normal activities but it just sucks because I don't feel normal. And I'm always thinking about it .. It's hard to explain. Also my sleeping pattern is all messed up also, I can't seem to get more than 5hrs of sleep per nite.... 5am comes and BOOM! I'm up for no reason.... Everyday... No more sleeping in for me, and i cant fall back asleep, 5am every day wether I like it or not. Has anyone else experienced this? Is this my brain protecting me from further damage? I'm not sure what do next, I do know I need to get over this . Btw I'm 32 yrs old, any suggestions/ help??

06-04-2013, 11:03 PM
I have a lot of similar symptoms... The have to keep moving thing is a big one for me. I struggle to sit down for meetings and out for meals as I get this feeling like I'm going to pass out!!

I get daily lightheadedness and off balance feelings, like I might topple over at any moment

06-04-2013, 11:18 PM
I have a lot of similar symptoms... The have to keep moving thing is a big one for me. I struggle to sit down for meetings and out for meals as I get this feeling like I'm going to pass out!!

I get daily lightheadedness and off balance feelings, like I might topple over at any moment

Fortunately for me the feeling of lightheadedness is not that bad. I've only felt like I was going to faint when I would crouch and get up to fast. This seems to be happening more often now ever since this whole anxiety thing started. I hope you feel better

06-05-2013, 12:24 AM
Fortunately for me the feeling of lightheadedness is not that bad. I've only felt like I was going to faint when I would crouch and get up to fast. This seems to be happening more often now ever since this whole anxiety thing started. I hope you feel better

Thank you and same to you.

I also get a weird feeling like the floor bounces up and down. Do you ever get this?

06-05-2013, 12:41 AM
Ok so here is my story. 2 months ago anxiety struck me out of no where. I was not stressing / worrying about anything.it was not a full blown panic attack, but more like a constant urge of nervousness,got to keep moving or i'm going to die weird feeling I couldn't sleep or keep any food down I felt horrible .this happened on a Saturday, after the weekend of no sleep, and not eating , Monday came along and i couldn't take it anymore and decided to visit a walk in clinic (no insurance ) they did blood work and everything was fine, dr. Tells me I'm going thru anxiety, he tells me I have high blood pressure and my heart rate is up. He prescribes me propranolol for hb, and trazodone for sleep. Forward two weeks later,still feeling like crap, and 10lbs lost from not eating I stopped taking both medications because they made me feel worse. I looked into herbal supplement's, here are some I used, l-theanine, b12,chamomile,holy basil,omega's 3,6,9,and daily multi-vit from costco. So here is where my question starts.... My anxiety is almost completely gone. Sometimes I'll get the sensation for a couple minutes, then it's gone, the only symptom that bothers me is this... The constant feeling of lightheadedness, and off balance . I've had this for almost a month, and I can't seem to shake it. I got health insurance finally, I've had my blood pressure and heart rate tested 3x and there all normal (yay!!) I visited an E.N.T. today because I thought it may be an inner ear infection, but I'm fine in that department also.... So what gives?? My next step is an MRI, but I'm still debating it. Dr. Said he was 99% sure it was not something in my brain... But there still is that 1%. The off balance and light headed feeling sucks... I can still do all my normal activities but it just sucks because I don't feel normal. And I'm always thinking about it .. It's hard to explain. Also my sleeping pattern is all messed up also, I can't seem to get more than 5hrs of sleep per nite.... 5am comes and BOOM! I'm up for no reason.... Everyday... No more sleeping in for me, and i cant fall back asleep, 5am every day wether I like it or not. Has anyone else experienced this? Is this my brain protecting me from further damage? I'm not sure what do next, I do know I need to get over this . Btw I'm 32 yrs old, any suggestions/ help??

Hi how are you? I also suffer with lightheaded feeling,dizzy and feel like Im on a rollercoaster when I walk. This has been going on for 28yrs on and off (more on)! it's definately your anxiety causing your symptoms and maybe you do need medication to help. Sometimes natural remidies can be worse. Hope everything works out well for you. Take Care. :)

06-05-2013, 02:25 AM
Hi how are you? I also suffer with lightheaded feeling,dizzy and feel like Im on a rollercoaster when I walk. This has been going on for 28yrs on and off (more on)! it's definately your anxiety causing your symptoms and maybe you do need medication to help. Sometimes natural remidies can be worse. Hope everything works out well for you. Take Care. :)

When you say roller coaster what do you mean? Like you are swaying? Do you get it even when you think you're not feeling anxious?

06-05-2013, 08:46 AM
Thank you and same to you.

I also get a weird feeling like the floor bounces up and down. Do you ever get this?

Hmmm... No . Sometimes it feels like I'm walking on clouds.. Like I don't have proper footing underneath me . Walking in the dark freaks me out also, like when you think there's a step but there actually isn't .i get constant headaches also all the time now.

06-05-2013, 08:49 AM
Hi how are you? I also suffer with lightheaded feeling,dizzy and feel like Im on a rollercoaster when I walk. This has been going on for 28yrs on and off (more on)! it's definately your anxiety causing your symptoms and maybe you do need medication to help. Sometimes natural remidies can be worse. Hope everything works out well for you. Take Care. :)

28 yrs? Wow!! And there's no cure? I think I'm going to rely on faith, and family to get me thru this . I've seen way to many people get hooked on meds and make there lives worse.