View Full Version : First Panic Attack

06-04-2013, 08:46 PM
Hi everyone, I am wondering if anyone else has experienced this. I had some light chest pains a few months back that I ignored. Shortly after I was rushed to the ER because I passed out and had high blood pressure and chest pain. Ever since that very day I have not felt the same. Each day always comes with a symptom. Some days are better than others and the symptoms come in waves.

Has anyone else not felt the same after their first panic attack?

06-04-2013, 10:05 PM
DEFINITELY!!!!! I had my first panic attack in 2011 and I literally feel like a completely different person since that day and I hate it!! Everyday there's so many symptoms and I'm guaranteed to have a bout of anxiety and or panic at LEAST once or twice a day. I can be doing well all day then by the time evening arrives.... I'll get anxiety or panic.

06-04-2013, 10:09 PM
DEFINITELY!!!!! I had my first panic attack in 2011 and I literally feel like a completely different person since that day and I hate it!! Everyday there's so many symptoms and I'm guaranteed to have a bout of anxiety and or panic at LEAST once or twice a day. I can be doing well all day then by the time evening arrives.... I'll get anxiety or panic.

My words exactly. Not the same since my attack June 2011. Nothing has been the same

06-04-2013, 10:35 PM
My words exactly. Not the same since my attack June 2011. Nothing has been the same

Blessed... Do you know what brought on your first attack? Just curious.

06-05-2013, 12:51 AM
Hi everyone, I am wondering if anyone else has experienced this. I had some light chest pains a few months back that I ignored. Shortly after I was rushed to the ER because I passed out and had high blood pressure and chest pain. Ever since that very day I have not felt the same. Each day always comes with a symptom. Some days are better than others and the symptoms come in waves.

Has anyone else not felt the same after their first panic attack?

My first panic attack was at 12yrs old and 28yrs later I have never felt the same! I'm now 45yrs old and my anxiety,pa,social phobia ect just gets worse as the yrs go on??? I'm also going through a severe menopause which makes it so much worse....Just remember your not alone and there is great support on this forum. Take care :)

06-05-2013, 01:15 AM
Same here.. Haven't been the same since I was 21.. Now I'm 27 :/

06-05-2013, 07:25 AM
Does anyone know what changes in our bodies after that first attack? This has to be a chemical imbalance of some kind in the brain. Now today I feel just achey and have chest pains.

Anyone else wake up thru the night or have difficulty falling back asleep? When I wake up now I open my eyes and I feel like I have been awake for hours. It's really weird.

06-05-2013, 07:53 AM
Blessed... Do you know what brought on your first attack? Just curious.

I was taking a medicine for hormonal acne that my dermatologist prescribed and that med is also prescribed for ppl with high blood pressure. WHICH I DID NOT HAVE. I was also on a diet pill that I had been on/off of periodically over a TEN year period with absolutely no side effects. One day at work I got dizzy, light headed, real disoriented if u will, my heart was beating like a hammer and my chest was feeling like it was crushing, i got hot and tingly all over then this cool rush came all over my veins, I had my boss call 911 and they picked me up took me to hospital ( the same one my mom was pronounced dead in they didn't even bother to shut her eyes). The doc just insisted it was the diet pills which is bs that was just to save their skin, they kept me over night due to extreme elevated blood pressure and pulse and let me go next day. Since that time (exactly 2 years) I've been on several anxiety , heart rate, blood pressure, ulcer and panic attack meds. Gained over 50 pounds and here I am. An absolute mess of a person sorry to ramble

06-05-2013, 01:47 PM
I was taking a medicine for hormonal acne that my dermatologist prescribed and that med is also prescribed for ppl with high blood pressure. WHICH I DID NOT HAVE. I was also on a diet pill that I had been on/off of periodically over a TEN year period with absolutely no side effects. One day at work I got dizzy, light headed, real disoriented if u will, my heart was beating like a hammer and my chest was feeling like it was crushing, i got hot and tingly all over then this cool rush came all over my veins, I had my boss call 911 and they picked me up took me to hospital ( the same one my mom was pronounced dead in they didn't even bother to shut her eyes). The doc just insisted it was the diet pills which is bs that was just to save their skin, they kept me over night due to extreme elevated blood pressure and pulse and let me go next day. Since that time (exactly 2 years) I've been on several anxiety , heart rate, blood pressure, ulcer and panic attack meds. Gained over 50 pounds and here I am. An absolute mess of a person sorry to ramble

Sounds like a rough time blessed. I hope one day we are ALL anxiety free!

For me it started right after my grandpa passed away very unexpectedly due to an aneurysm. Never had anxiety in my life before then. It's so frustrating because I'm only 24 and I want to enjoy life!! I have a wonderful husband (of 3 years in November) and a son (who will be 1 in November) my life is good, but I always have this anxiety looming over me. I am on no medication right now as I'm breast feeding and my doctor will NOT prescribe it. I've actually never been on meds, as I was prescribed Zoloft way back in the beginning of all this and it made my panic 10 times worse, so I never took it again but the one day. When I'm done breast feeding in 6 months I'd like to try a medication cause I hate not being me.