View Full Version : Hello + usefull podcast info

06-04-2013, 04:48 PM
Hello All,

I've suffered Anxiety on and off since I was a child (now 31). Mines is generalised anxiety and Heath anxiety. I've had some bad bouts of it in my life but the most recent has brought about symptoms that I hadn't ever experienced and 'the fear of fear' has been taking control...For example, lightheadedness, feeling faint, unable to think or focus and generally feeling that I'm going mad with a constant feeling of andrenaline in my body. It's been horrible and I've had it for months . Anyway, I just want to share that over the last week, I've started learning 'mindfulness' and its helping.... I learned about it via 'the mental Heath foundation' - those outside the UK who don't know MHF, they are a mental Heath charity who have an APP with some really good podcasts that are free. I've also started listening to the Podcasts of 'the anxiety guru' and found them helpful. Anxiety Guru podcasts can be downloaded free.

Stacey x

06-04-2013, 08:26 PM
I did a NHS mindfulness course and found it really good. It led me into Buddha meditation group which uses same guided meditation technique.
Also instead of doing CBT I was recommended doing ACT Acceptance Commitment Theory because it fits well with mindfulness because you learn to accept your thoughts and work with them, rather than trying to change them. I was recommended The Happiness Trap book and have started to go through that and learn ACT.