View Full Version : Trusting the doctors?!

06-04-2013, 09:53 AM

I am almost set now to start my road onto recovery and get out of this forum;). One thing though is just not giving me any breaks.
When I got my really mild concussion(I just headed a soccer ball), 9 months ago, I got all this symptoms like derealization, flashes, tingeling etc. I didn't know it was anxiety/trauma and a lot of stress back then that was causing all this.
4 months later symptoms got worse and I was send to vestibular theraphy. My vestibular system/inner ear was out of place after the concussion and the theraphist helped with modern techniques to fix it. I couldn't walk straight lines, got headaches when my head was violently turned and my eyes were jumping. I got my balance back, but that was not a big problem for me before I went to theraphy. It was the derealization and all the other symptoms. Well, they did not change a bit.

I felt 0% better. The one Lady said, that she hasn't seen someone like me in her 30 years of experience. They were all pretty pissed and said I was lying and stuff. They even tried to make me say that I feel better. I felt helpless and so angry.
They did an MRI of my head(brain), neck,spine. Checked my ears, send me to visual response things. Checked upper neck. So basically everthing was checked. Nothing could be found. Finally I was told that I was not having a councussion anymore but anxiety and horon problems and I was allowed to so sports again, after 8 months.
I was so anxious at first, but now I am jogging/sprining againg, playing basketball again etc. Feels so good! I'll probably never head any soccer balls in my life again though lol.

But anyway. Jogging and everythig is ok. But I still get pretty bad headaches when my head is turned violently and get head pressure etc. I just started playing baseball and sometimes pichtching gives me bad headaches. The headaches usually last about 3 days. They're not strong but very annyoing.Medicine does not help. My eyes still feel like jumping and I am still dizzy and lightheaded all the time. I can explain the dizziness and lighthadedness feelling now but the headaches? I don't know about that. The people working at that place(all of them chiropractors) are really good at what they're doing but I can't explain the headaches. It's just occuring when I turn, shake my head to viollently but still. It's like a shock.

And know the thinking chain kicks in. Do I have sill inner ear issues? Are all my symptoms related to that? Is it something else than axniety? Worst thought: Do I have still my concussion? And that would be absolutely horrifying.
I usually don't turn my head brutally but now I test it, do it on purpose. Shouldn't do that probably.
I really want to start recovering and want to trust my doctors! What do you think about it?