View Full Version : Progress

06-03-2013, 10:21 PM
Went for a walk today with my wife. I had to stifle the what ifs, still nervous about exerting myself because of heart anxiety, but I did well. Actually, she was breathing harder than me. It felt so good getting that exercise. I feel like I am making excellent progress, but I am still having trouble eating. I only ate once today, a salad and a pork chop, and I am lying awake with a feeling of pressure on my chest and heart jumping from anxiety. I know the food is digesting. My belly feels fine, but I can't stop thinking it is stuck in my chest, or that something is wrong because I ate and it is going to hurt me. I try to think positive thoughts, but it keeps going and going, and then the weird flops and pangs make me worry about my heart. So stupid. How do I break this irrational eating phobia? Ugh!

06-03-2013, 10:49 PM
Went for a walk today with my wife. I had to stifle the what ifs, still nervous about exerting myself because of heart anxiety, but I did well. Actually, she was breathing harder than me. It felt so good getting that exercise. I feel like I am making excellent progress, but I am still having trouble eating. I only ate once today, a salad and a pork chop, and I am lying awake with a feeling of pressure on my chest and heart jumping from anxiety. I know the food is digesting. My belly feels fine, but I can't stop thinking it is stuck in my chest, or that something is wrong because I ate and it is going to hurt me. I try to think positive thoughts, but it keeps going and going, and then the weird flops and pangs make me worry about my heart. So stupid. How do I break this irrational eating phobia? Ugh!

Hi Cobra I know how you feel! I also suffer with food phobia and it's horrible. I cant eat in front of people as I go into a panic attack when I try. I'm what you call a closet eater,only eat when I'm on my own :( I still dont understand why?? Do you have problems with your weight? I cant put on any weight just the opposite I'm to skinny. How long have you had a food phobia and how do you cope with it? But remember your not alone!! Take care. (Hugs)

06-04-2013, 12:22 AM
I was fine until I had some polyps removed. After the procedure, I hemorrhaged and spent 4 days in the hospital. Had to have another procedure and clamps put in where a really large precancerous polyp was removed. When I got home again, I started having panic attacks whenever I ate. Now I just dread eating, and I have anxiety and palps until I digest and feel empty again. I was big before, but in total I've lost 60 lbs in about 6 months. I used to love eating. I wonder is this anxiety or is there something else wrong when I eat and the pain and palps commence. It's very depressing.