View Full Version : Thoughts stuck in head

06-03-2013, 08:28 PM
So I had to be in a car for 12 hours Friday and Sunday, and now I can't get the thought of blood clots out of my head. I think it stems from being tested for them dozens of times now for weird symptoms, that I'm overly conscious of the idea. But there is a pain in my leg that I can't stop thinking about.

It's very possible that I'm just sore from the car rides. But in my head I'm going to die from a clot. I seriously need help here.

06-04-2013, 12:40 AM
Isn't it silly (more like quite aggravating) how something as small as sitting in a car for a long period of time sends us in to a panic that we are going to die? I do understand where your fear stems from, but in reality you would have to be sitting or laying still for a very long time before you'd have to worry about blood clots. When I had my first C-Section, it was so hard on my body and I was in so much pain that I had to lay in the hospital bed for 4 days. I didn't even move in those 4 days. They had to put these things around my legs that were warm and kinda would tighten up and then release over and over to keep the blood flowing in my legs so I wouldn't get blood clots. I've had 2 C-Sections and had to do this both times. So what I'm trying to say is, I do understand why you feel anxious over that, but you would of had to be in a car for days on end not moving at all to get a blood clot. Riding in a car for that many hours is really hard on your body, so the pain u feel in your leg is probably because you are sore, not because you have a blood clot. I hope this helps to relieve at least a little of your anxiety about it :)