View Full Version : Mental Health and the NHS.

Anxious Abi
06-03-2013, 04:48 PM
I am really struggling with the level of care I have been receiving through the NHS.
I have seen several different professionals about my 'problems' over the years, I have been referred to the Mental Health Team several times since my early teens, never have I had consistent care. I feel like i'm shoved on one medication after the next, telling my life story over and over to different people. It's like they never share records, or look back over my full history. I just wish there was some kind of care that was there from the start, that actually knew what was going on.
My latest attempt resulted in being put on a waiting list to see a Therapist for CBT for the second time, I have been waiting for over 16 months now and still had no help. I was put on something called Risperidone by the GP around the time I was put on the waiting list, so around 16 months, it doesn't help, it makes me extremely lethargic, I've gained weight and also seem to have been in a state of phantom pregnancy since being on it. I keep going back to my GP, I am told there is nothing more they can do, I asked if they could change my medication and I am told the GP cannot change it, it wasn't even supposed to have been prescribed by the GP in the first place. Can you just stop taking medication? I have no idea, I don't want to make myself worse.
I want to know if it's just me that has experienced this with the NHS or if others have found it hard too.

06-03-2013, 05:22 PM
Abi, "nothing more they can do"? No joke?? Lame. Alankay

06-03-2013, 05:36 PM
Hi, I have had a number of problems with my GP and medication risperidone is a medication that you should be weaned off, for you to just stop taking them you could have a few affects so lowering your daily dosage would be better than just stopping them. Weight gain is one of the main side effects off this medication. I know it is difficult to try and get your GP to change medication sometimes but if you keep pushing and pushing eventually they have no choice, I had to send my doctor an email to tell him that I was forced to report him due to neglect and refusing to help when he wouldn't change my medication, they just don't care or try to understand these days, they literally throw medication at us and hope it works. It's unfair! Hope you get this sorted!


Anxious Abi
06-04-2013, 02:27 PM
Thank you for the support.
I was given a 'self referral' form today, I don't know much about it, never heard of one before, will have a read through later. Was told that it is just like when the Dr refers you, except I can put it in my own words and it may get me seen a bit quicker. I'll give it a go, we'll see if it helps or not.

06-04-2013, 03:46 PM
Abi I hope you get this sorted! I was lucky enough to get ref by my doctor to have CBT done and I have my first appt on Thursday I waited about a month for mine so not to bad. The NHS don't care or don't pay much attention to us people with Mental disorders we are ment to fix ourself the answer for the GP is medication but I don't believe this is the answer I've refused to take medication because I believe this doesn't always help! Go back to your GP and get them to hurry things us say your desperate!! X