View Full Version : Mornings

06-03-2013, 04:38 PM
Every morning I wake up with extreme anxiety. I can't control it anymore I don't know what to do. Help.

06-03-2013, 05:12 PM
I have the same problem Chloe, I've tried numerous medications and been offered therapy a few times. I'm stuck on how to attempt to control it now! Hope you're okay!

06-03-2013, 05:44 PM
I just don't know how much more I can handle how do you handle it?

06-03-2013, 05:55 PM
Truthfully I don't, it's becoming more and more difficult! I have learnt how to control my panic attacks now after speaking to a friend who studied psychology, but as for day to day I'm still struggling hence me joining this forum, I quit all medication in December 2012 and seem to have gone worse, my GP has now referred me to a psychologist, have to tried any council long or medication?

06-03-2013, 07:13 PM
I am brand new to this site, but not new to HORRIBLE ANXIETY MORNINGS. I just had to post here first. I started waking up with a "feeling of dread" in April of 2004 "out of the blue" -- or at least, I couldn't determine the cause. I call it "it". I hate "it" and wish "it" would go back to hell from whence it came. There is no worse feeling in the world, and it's an awful way to start the day, especially if it's an otherwise beautiful day. I began journaling. I journal right away when I wake up, and pretty much all day as my work allows. My notebook and pencil are kept right by my bed. I have filled up four notebooks now, or about 2000 pages. Today, I took the thing to work (luckily there's no one around to read it). In the evenings I am fine (sort of), and I will write a love letter to myself, a hang-in-there letter, to read when I wake up in the morning. I figure if no one else can help me and tell me the things I need and want to hear, I may as well write them to myself. I'm on a teeny dose of Klonopin; luckily it does the trick for me. I take it at 4 am, so that the meds get into my system before "it" does. For me, after nine years of trying to figure this thing out MYSELF because there is no real help out there, I believe the cause was menopause, although my 30-something OB said "there has never been one documented case of menopause causing anxiety". I wish a menopause anxiety pox upon her ! Not really. Anyway my psychiatrist said that a lot of her patients report worse anxiety in the morning. Getting out of bed helps me. Cool water also helps (hormones? I never had hot flashes, I'm just hot all the time). I don't know about controlling this thing, it comes and goes with any recent adrenaline spikes.

06-03-2013, 07:26 PM
It's so hard I can't live with this there has to be something to help its controlling my life I take Xanax to take the edge of but without that I'd be a mess. My anti depressant clearly isn't working I am a lost cause nothing can help not even therapy :(

06-05-2013, 11:28 PM
I am brand new here too and this is my first post. As a lifetime anxiety sufferer, I am no stranger to the MORNING phenomenon, which I think is fairly common. I have noticed that the morning anxiety is part of an overall "Anxiety State", which can last for a day, up to several weeks.........months in the past. I have made a lot of progress since then but the morning anxiety still comes and goes; usually by afternoon/evening, I'm feeling pretty normal again, or just have very mild anxiety.....until I wake up....and on it goes. Journaling is great self-therapy and has helped me too. Other helpful tips are...DON'T DRINK COFFEE (Or drink decaf) during these times, try finding a soothing "Morning Meditation" on Youtube to watch when you first get out of bed, and just breathe with it. I'm pretty rushed for time in the morning, but there are some good ones that are less than 10 minutes long. I like one called "This Moment is Perfect" but of course find something to your personal taste. Another thing that helps is just stepping outside for a few minutes in the morning, listening to the birds, breathing in the fresh air, stretching my neck muscles, etc. And just telling myself that this feeling will pass and it is going to be a beautiful day. As a last resort I take a very small dose of Ativan (1/4 mg. usually) and this helps too. Regarding menopause (I'm that age also) my doctor said that increased anxiety/panic is VERY common during the menopausal years, decreasing after. Research online supports this. So...Hmmmmm....You mentioned cold water helping and I have found that to be helpful also. I keep a spray bottle with cool water (You can keep it in the fridge for extra cool), and mist myself periodically, which is also very helpful. Lastly, if you are so inclined and time allows for it, a brisk morning stroll can work wonders. Good luck to you!