View Full Version : Nervous about a wedding!

Anxiety Girl
06-03-2013, 04:17 PM
So my boyfriend's good friend is getting married and I REALLY want to go,but I'm worried. I get bad anxiety when I feel "stuck" somewhere. I don't have social anxiety,I just always worry I'm going to lose it and have to walk out at a bad time. Does anyone share this same fear? I haven't been to a wedding since high school when I didn't have anxiety. Does having a drink help? Rather not take my lorazepam,because it makes me sleepy or makes me goofy if I take a little too much. Any help appreciated :)

06-03-2013, 07:39 PM
I take Ativan too. If I go anywhere I have to take one, sometimes 2. They make me really sleepy as well, but sometimes if I have to take one and I'm up moving around it doesn't make me quite as tired. Maybe if you took one you wouldnt be so sleepy because you will not just be laying around you will be out at a wedding having fun? :)

06-03-2013, 11:59 PM
I have this same fear, i always get scared of being stuck in a place where i can't get out. And i am going to a wedding soon too and i am so anxious. My psychologist said that, this is only one wedding, and he always makes me realize that what is the worst that could happen.

I hope it all works out for you!

06-04-2013, 06:57 AM
On a lighter note, maybe if more people would have anxiety about going to a wedding, the divorce rate wouldn't be so damn high ;)

06-04-2013, 09:35 AM
On a lighter note, maybe if more people would have anxiety about going to a wedding, the divorce rate wouldn't be so damn high ;)

So true....

Anxiety Girl
06-04-2013, 12:21 PM
Thanks girls! It's nice to know other people have this problem. I always feel so ridiculous when I have trouble sitting still. And it's hard to explain to people that don't have anxiety. A couple years ago I went to a play and I left before it even started! Lol. Hope this won't be a repeat of that scenario :)

06-04-2013, 02:53 PM
So my boyfriend's good friend is getting married and I REALLY want to go,but I'm worried. I get bad anxiety when I feel "stuck" somewhere. I don't have social anxiety,I just always worry I'm going to lose it and have to walk out at a bad time. Does anyone share this same fear? I haven't been to a wedding since high school when I didn't have anxiety. Does having a drink help? Rather not take my lorazepam,because it makes me sleepy or makes me goofy if I take a little too much. Any help appreciated :)

Chip the Ativan in half, it will be enough, you do not need the whole pill. Better yet keep the Ativan in your pocket as a security blanket and don't take it. This will build your self confidence. ( many people do this including a famous U.S. weatherman Willard Scott) You are already thinking Negative, stop that, change your thought pattern to positive. This is going to be fun. Concentrate on the Bride's dress during the ceremony. Ask yourself if you would wear that style, or what style you would wear. Watch the ceremony something ALWAYS goes wrong, my husband dropped my ring and we had to move the alter, hysterical really. Concentrate on the day, its fun , don't think about the anxiety. If you don't fuel this it just doesn't surface. Slam the door and hear it slam in your head when your thoughts go Negative. The reason you didn't have anxiety in High School is because you were too busy thinking about other " positive" things. Trust me I am very familiar with Panic Disorder ( no thoughts at all...no negative thoughts. You are going to have a really fun day, it's that simple.

06-04-2013, 02:55 PM
So true....

Hey I was really afraid of having a Panic Attack on my Wedding Day until I got so busy I forgot about it ! Bingo ! No Thoughts..No Panic !

06-04-2013, 03:22 PM
Chip the Ativan in half, it will be enough, you do not need the whole pill. Better yet keep the Ativan in your pocket as a security blanket and don't take it. This will build your self confidence. ( many people do this including a famous U.S. weatherman Willard Scott) You are already thinking Negative, stop that, change your thought pattern to positive. This is going to be fun. Concentrate on the Bride's dress during the ceremony. Ask yourself if you would wear that style, or what style you would wear. Watch the ceremony something ALWAYS goes wrong, my husband dropped my ring and we had to move the alter, hysterical really. Concentrate on the day, its fun , don't think about the anxiety. If you don't fuel this it just doesn't surface. Slam the door and hear it slam in your head when your thoughts go Negative. The reason you didn't have anxiety in High School is because you were too busy thinking about other " positive" things. Trust me I am very familiar with Panic Disorder ( no thoughts at all...no negative thoughts. You are going to have a really fun day, it's that simple.

That was really great advice!! :)

06-04-2013, 03:55 PM
I have real fear and have stopped socialising with friends for over 2 years. I keep friends updated by texts or emails so don't lose too many before ready to meet people again. Try friends who don't pester you but you know they are there if need them - they are usually friends who have had depression of some kind and understand not to judge you.

06-04-2013, 04:19 PM
So my boyfriend's good friend is getting married and I REALLY want to go,but I'm worried. I get bad anxiety when I feel "stuck" somewhere. I don't have social anxiety,I just always worry I'm going to lose it and have to walk out at a bad time. Does anyone share this same fear? I haven't been to a wedding since high school when I didn't have anxiety. Does having a drink help? Rather not take my lorazepam,because it makes me sleepy or makes me goofy if I take a little too much. Any help appreciated :)

I am in the same boat. My best friend is getting married in 3 weeks. Her bridal shower was last Monday and I freaked out so bad I left after being there for an hour. She hasn't spoken to me since. I know how you feel. I too need some advice on what to do. I don't even think I should go, I will ed up disappointing her either way. I think you would be better off just taking the ativan. Id rather be a little silly and goofy than freaking out and leaving lol

06-04-2013, 07:12 PM
On a lighter note, maybe if more people would have anxiety about going to a wedding, the divorce rate wouldn't be so damn high ;)

Valid Point

06-04-2013, 08:17 PM
From advice on here it sounds like you would be best trying to go even if need help of tablets to go with, if it is going to stop you having friendship problems in the future.
But if it would not cause you problems in future and people would understand why you could not go, then there is no harm in being honest and not go so that you don't have a bad day and feel you have ruined it for anyone else,
A judgement call on relationships and friendships I think, and then decide what is best for you.

Anxiety Girl
06-04-2013, 08:23 PM
Chip the Ativan in half, it will be enough, you do not need the whole pill. Better yet keep the Ativan in your pocket as a security blanket and don't take it. This will build your self confidence. ( many people do this including a famous U.S. weatherman Willard Scott) You are already thinking Negative, stop that, change your thought pattern to positive. This is going to be fun. Concentrate on the Bride's dress during the ceremony. Ask yourself if you would wear that style, or what style you would wear. Watch the ceremony something ALWAYS goes wrong, my husband dropped my ring and we had to move the alter, hysterical really. Concentrate on the day, its fun , don't think about the anxiety. If you don't fuel this it just doesn't surface. Slam the door and hear it slam in your head when your thoughts go Negative. The reason you didn't have anxiety in High School is because you were too busy thinking about other " positive" things. Trust me I am very familiar with Panic Disorder ( no thoughts at all...no negative thoughts. You are going to have a really fun day, it's that simple.

Thanks so much! Concentrating on the bride's dress is genius. Chances are,I will need to concentrate on something other then how I'm feeling or if I'm going to make it,etc. I do need to remember weddings are fun and I shouldn't miss out. The only part I'm worried about is the actual ceremony because I can do fine with just about any other situation as long as I'm doing something,even eating. Sitting still makes me jittery. So I am hoping for a short ceremony. I'm trying to get excited about it by going shopping and getting a cute outfit. Then I will have to go because I will look nice. Lol

Anxiety Girl
06-04-2013, 08:32 PM
I am in the same boat. My best friend is getting married in 3 weeks. Her bridal shower was last Monday and I freaked out so bad I left after being there for an hour. She hasn't spoken to me since. I know how you feel. I too need some advice on what to do. I don't even think I should go, I will ed up disappointing her either way. I think you would be better off just taking the ativan. Id rather be a little silly and goofy than freaking out and leaving lol

How I think of it is...your friends need to understand what's going on with you. If they don't,they can search anxiety on the internet or read about it in a medical book. It's easy. Sometimes it seems like people think you just want to be like this which is ridiculous. You should try to go to your friend's wedding as well. I might take the Ativan but I actually have laughing spells when I take too much. That would be terrible. Lol. I'm just worried about sitting through the ceremony and that's it. I do fine as long as I'm doing something as opposed to sitting still in one place staring into space.

Anxiety Girl
06-04-2013, 08:37 PM
From advice on here it sounds like you would be best trying to go even if need help of tablets to go with, if it is going to stop you having friendship problems in the future.
But if it would not cause you problems in future and people would understand why you could not go, then there is no harm in being honest and not go so that you don't have a bad day and feel you have ruined it for anyone else,
A judgement call on relationships and friendships I think, and then decide what is best for you.

Thanks for your reply. It's actually unnecessary for me to go from any viewpoint other then my boyfriend's,so that makes it a little easier on me. I barely know the guy getting married. But my boyfriend's day/night will be much better if I come so I want to go for him. I'd also like to meet some of his other friends I haven't met yet. And it would be good for my healing process,since that is one of my fears.

06-04-2013, 09:23 PM
Thanks for your reply. It's actually unnecessary for me to go from any viewpoint other then my boyfriend's,so that makes it a little easier on me. I barely know the guy getting married. But my boyfriend's day/night will be much better if I come so I want to go for him. I'd also like to meet some of his other friends I haven't met yet. And it would be good for my healing process,since that is one of my fears.

Sounds to me like you have really strong reasons why you want to go and so now just got to remember techniques of how to get through a stressful event, like slow deep breathing and concentrating on the breath; accupressure - put your fingers of your left hand over the right hand thumb and left hand thumb under your right hand thumb and squeeze hard - the thumb helps to cure worry and is easy to do without anyone seeing you are doing it; take some calming essential oils on a tissue which you can smell to calm yourself down; take a worry stone or stress ball which is small and not easy seen but gives you something to focus on when worried.

Hope some of these help if you try any, and even if not try them, that you go and have a brill day and manage to enjoy it.