View Full Version : New and seeking help

Michelle Lutner
06-03-2013, 02:05 PM
Hello. Im Michelle, 23 years old. Have a loving bf for over a year now but my GAD is pushing us apart. I have been struggling with GAD for as long as I remember, as early as age 13. Lately it is getting worse. Im constantly fearing not being good enough for him, fearing loosing him, Im always tense, on edge, cry for no reason. When I get in that mood I cannot get out of it. I dwell in a sea of sadness,anger, guilt, hopeless for hours. GAD is taking control of my life and Im at a lost at what to do. I am on celexa 25mg but lost my health insurance so I cannot afford to go back to the doctor. I want to be able to be in control of my emotions. :( Someone who doesnt experience anxiety will never understand. he has a hard time believing that I cannot control the emotions, symptoms etc. He simply thinks I should just be able to get over it.

06-03-2013, 04:02 PM
Hello. Im Michelle, 23 years old. Have a loving bf for over a year now but my GAD is pushing us apart. I have been struggling with GAD for as long as I remember, as early as age 13. Lately it is getting worse. Im constantly fearing not being good enough for him, fearing loosing him, Im always tense, on edge, cry for no reason. When I get in that mood I cannot get out of it. I dwell in a sea of sadness,anger, guilt, hopeless for hours. GAD is taking control of my life and Im at a lost at what to do. I am on celexa 25mg but lost my health insurance so I cannot afford to go back to the doctor. I want to be able to be in control of my emotions. :( Someone who doesnt experience anxiety will never understand. he has a hard time believing that I cannot control the emotions, symptoms etc. He simply thinks I should just be able to get over it.

Hey, try 2,000 mg of Fish oil ( Krill or Salmon- Omega 3 Vitamins are brain vitamins, They help tremendously with anxiety and depression. Also 250 mg of magnesium for your anxiety and a B Complex Vitamin. I say this because it will help, especially in adjunct to your Celexa ) Boost your self esteem try a Positive Thought App and listen to it daily. When you get those negative thoughts of not being good enough for your BF simply say loud and clear in your head " STOP" and switch to more positive thoughts. This sends a a message to your brain that your thoughts are heading down a negative path and at the end of that path is an anxiety attack. By switching your thoughts to positive ( thoughts of you and your BF when you first got together ) shuts off the switch to anxiety and trust me is grounded in and fuelled by Negative Thought. Try all of the above get yourself a good " free " breathing APP
( Relax and Rest ) Iphone APP and listen to it daily, also try those Positive Thought self esteem APPS as well. Above all else focus on this thought " Your boyfriend chose you because of what he saw in you, your opinion of yourself is the problem. His opinion of you is solid. By doubting yourself you are in fact asking him to re-evaluate his opinion, that you believe he got it wrong " Don't do this to yourself or to him " Be confident in yourself when you are with him , after all you are his choice " If you can't be confident, then for right now just act it, until you can regain that confidence. You an be in charge of your emotions, try the " STOP" exercise and stay focused on positive Get the supplements I mentioned, they really do help. Good Luck and Be Well !

06-03-2013, 04:09 PM
Hi michell. I just started using this forum, literally, and was about to write my introduction when I saw yours. Today I had the worst anxiety attack I've ever experienced and came to the forum to find people who understand. I feel like with anxiety every relationship runs the same course of "supportive" eventually to "can't you just get over it." I'm new to the whole forum thing, but hopefully this will be a place where you don't have to worry about the support fading.