View Full Version : Grrrrr

06-03-2013, 09:58 AM
First post. Ill try to keep it short with some details! 31 yrs old. Was married for 5 yrs but with her since I was 15. We divorced because she cheated.my parents were married for 23 yrs before my dad cheated and had a son. In the last 15 yrs I've have lost six family members to unexpected deaths. We are a close family,simple, fun,successful, and "normal" lol. I moved 2000 miles from home at 18 and lived on the east cost until this April. I moved back in April because my anxiety finally got the best of me. I left behind a fiancé who is going to grad school on the east coast. She is from my hometown and have know. Each other since high school. I was making our lives harder so I thought it best to get away for the summer and work for my fathers company I think I have separation anxiety and act like a "stage 5 clinger" with her! I put way to much pressure on her and that is why I've joined the forum. I'm afraid of losing her so much so that I am going to end up pushing her away. In general I am a thinker trying to make things better from cars to anything you can think of. My mind is always at work. That turns out to be very awful when I start thinking about my GF. As I try to make her happy or help her when she dosent need help. I act like a parent to her often and always worried a out her safety.

At one time I worried about nothing but after the divorce I began to open up. I have become opposite of what I once was.