View Full Version : Cant do this much longer

06-03-2013, 01:17 AM
i was doing pretty good until about two weeks ago. my boyfriend found a sign in grass that tells you to keep off because of chemicals and he told me. it was in a school yard because he lives by a school and parks in the parking lot. well me being afraid of chemicals i freaked out because i was wearing flip flops. now i think that my purse has chemicals on them. my dad ended up touching my purse earlier and put it on the couch. now im afraid of everything because he touched it and didnt wash his hands. i cant keep living like this. my house has become a prison im afraid of everything in my house. even my own room. i hate being home and im home a lot. im tearing my hands up washing them so much.

06-03-2013, 10:44 AM
Awwww, Samantha, I feel so bad for you and I can totally relate. I don't remember your background but I think I recall you have tried anti-depressants but are no longer taking them? All I can suggest is that you get on one, give it a full 8 weeks to work, and then if you don't see improvement, try another one.

I was so bad with OCD when I was young that I drove myself crazy and everyone else around me. All the hangers in all the closets had to be evenly spaced, all facing the same way, and if someone moved one I would explode and cry and yell and scream. I spent hours on my hands and knees picking lint off of rugs. I remember being a little girl (maybe 10?) and playing cards with my family (for pennies, dimes, quarters) and I always wore elbow length rubber gloves because I was afraid to touch the money (germs).

When I started having panic attacks that were taking over my life I was put on an anti-depressant and it also helped me SIGNIFICANTLY with my OCD, too.

Hang in there, and keep trying. There IS help and hope.

06-03-2013, 09:45 PM
Awwww, Samantha, I feel so bad for you and I can totally relate. I don't remember your background but I think I recall you have tried anti-depressants but are no longer taking them? All I can suggest is that you get on one, give it a full 8 weeks to work, and then if you don't see improvement, try another one.

I was so bad with OCD when I was young that I drove myself crazy and everyone else around me. All the hangers in all the closets had to be evenly spaced, all facing the same way, and if someone moved one I would explode and cry and yell and scream. I spent hours on my hands and knees picking lint off of rugs. I remember being a little girl (maybe 10?) and playing cards with my family (for pennies, dimes, quarters) and I always wore elbow length rubber gloves because I was afraid to touch the money (germs).

When I started having panic attacks that were taking over my life I was put on an anti-depressant and it also helped me SIGNIFICANTLY with my OCD, too.

Hang in there, and keep trying. There IS help and hope.

yes i tried paxil i gave it 2 months with no improvement so i got off it. Im driving everyone in my house crazy and even my boyfriend. they get frustrated with me and i get frustrated with them because they dont understand. i do wash my hands a lot more than i should because i think i have something bad on my hands that will kill me if i ingest it.

Im looking for a behaviorist so that hopefully they can help me to get better. i just dont know what to really do at this point. i fell like hitting myself because i get so frustrated with myself. I dont hurt myself because im smart enough to know better than to do that.

i just need help and fast before something bad really does happen.