View Full Version : Weird heartbeat, skipped beat annoying !!!

06-02-2013, 10:21 PM
Hi guys

Does anyone else feel like there heart skips a beat ?? Sometimes I get it all day!!! What's the best way to make it stop?? Any ideas?? It's driving me crazy!!!!!

06-02-2013, 11:01 PM
I only ever get this when I am anxious and it is horrible and scary. The only way I stop it is working on calming down by deep slow breathing and concentrating on my breathing.

I have also ruled out any physical problems so that I know it is anxiety. So you might want to see a doctor first to check out that it is anxiety and then you can work on getting your anxiety under control.

Anxiety can cause all sorts of symptoms and none of them are nice, and it is learning how to deal with them. As I say concentrating on your breathing is a good way because you calm down, and if you do it for a few minutes a day and build up you can improve your anxiety. Meditation groups are good if you can find them to help with learning how to calm down, but you can do it on your own by just concentrating on your breathing, making it slow and deep breathing, and letting any anxious thoughts just pass through your head and not hold on to them and think about them.

Hope this helps.

06-03-2013, 06:17 AM

Thank you for the advise. I have taken up yoga n it is helping !! Just taking it day by day.. I have been doctors and he did n ECG and it was all normal. He said what I'm feeling is anxiety. I was on anxiety/anti-depressions for 3 days which worked but didn't want to get addicted .. I'm gonna stick to the natural way.

06-03-2013, 05:27 PM
Hi Annoua, I get this most days, I've had numerous ECGs, a certain blood test for my heart to check the enzymes to see if it was likely of a heart attack and they have all come back fine, each time I have been they have out it down to my anxiety and I still get it to this day, nothing I do manages to help it just generally keeping busy for me to try and take my mind off it. Hope it improves for you!