View Full Version : vitamins

06-02-2013, 08:53 PM
So yesterday in my anxious moments I was googling (a big no no) but I stumbled across a sight that talked of magnesium deficiencies. Whilst reading through the symptoms I started to think about my muscle aches throughout my body, which then made me think maybe my magnesium levels are low as I have a few very classic symptoms. Luckily for me I had bought super magnesium tablets last year but never tried them so this morning I had one. Im not saying its going to cure my health anxiety but I figure it might help with my aches and pangs that contribute to my anxiety flare ups. I will keep you guys posted.

06-02-2013, 11:56 PM
Magnesium is excellent and everyone should take it! Even non anxiety sufferers. But those with anxiety will feel more of a benefits from its relaxing effects. Keep us updated with your results.

06-03-2013, 11:08 AM
Health anxietys a super bitch just about over it for me still have my ups and downs no where no as bad first of all cuy out ypur health anxietys fuel witch in nost h/a suffers its google med books and sh*t like that try talking to people about it to get it of your chest be patient and try and stay strong will power will work wonders ;) hope you get better soon

06-03-2013, 01:58 PM
I have just started taking magnesium as well. I figured maybe it couldn't hurt to try it out because I too have muscle and joint pains. Of course when I googled the joint pains then a thing about candida overgrowth in tue body popped up as well so now I'm trying to watch how much sugar and starchy foods I eat.

06-03-2013, 06:59 PM
So I felt great yesterday after taking magnesium but the early hours of the morning I woke up and felt tender in my arms.. (may of slept wrong) but it has scared me a little into taking a tablet this morning :( my legs are also feeling stiff and a tad shakey... not sure if this has anything to do with the magnesium as I did go walking yesterday for first time in ages with my new orthotics in. To give the magnesium another try or not? How'd everyone else go?