View Full Version : Why do i keep twitching???

06-02-2013, 07:26 PM
I'm so tired of SYMPTOMS! I'm always thinking the worst. I either have Als or ms. I'm so frustrated. I have twitching all over my body. Legs, feet, arms, back, stomach. Everywhere. And constant. Except when I'm up and moving around. As soon as I relax and lay or sit down, the muscle twitches are back.

Someone please help me. I cannot keep going this route. I don't want to harm the baby more than I already have!

06-02-2013, 07:40 PM
Your not alone. I twitch all over too and think I have the same two diseases! I read about it though (I'm not a doctor so I can't say for sure) but they say twitching comes after weakness bc the muscle is breaking down and the twitching are the nerves trying to get the muscle to work.

06-02-2013, 08:14 PM
Um, I haven't read that...and it just made things worse. Nice.

06-02-2013, 08:18 PM
No I'm telling you that your twitching and not having muscle weakness which means its not what you think. And that its anxiety. I'm sorry I didn't mean to freak you out.

06-02-2013, 08:20 PM
Um, I haven't read that...and it just made things worse. Nice.

I'm laying here right now and my legs twitch every few minutes or so. It's happened ever since my first major panic attack. Sure that's all it is, only happens when resting usually, mostly my legs and fingers. :-)

06-02-2013, 08:21 PM
Well that's better! Thanks for clarifying. I was pretty much calling myself a gonner. :)

06-02-2013, 08:29 PM
I twitch all the time. Laying in bed constantly twitching but when I quit thinking about it, the twitching stops! Twitching 99% present of the time is anxiety related! Your defiantly not a goner! :)

06-02-2013, 08:55 PM
I'm so tired of SYMPTOMS! I'm always thinking the worst. I either have Als or ms. I'm so frustrated. I have twitching all over my body. Legs, feet, arms, back, stomach. Everywhere. And constant. Except when I'm up and moving around. As soon as I relax and lay or sit down, the muscle twitches are back.

Someone please help me. I cannot keep going this route. I don't want to harm the baby more than I already have!

Defmunel, When we are in a state of anxiety ( this doesn't include just the attacks it is the time frame surrounding when you are experiencing the attacks lots of things go on with the body ( lots of adrenaline being pumped out by the adrenal glands) one of the things adrenaline does in cause the muscles to go into an almost constant state of flex ( think lifting weights and holding the weight in the air, with no release) ok so you get the picture, well muscle twitches are the result ( little spasms ) hey are harmless beyond aggravation. There are two reasons you don't feel these as much when moving around 1) you are channeling that extra adrenaline, it has somewhere to go, toward exercise. 2) when anxiety sufferers " stop" doing anything ( relax) they are flooded with negative thoughts and exaggerated symptoms. Ok, now get that " negative thought" of hurting the baby out of your head. The baby is dependent on a healthy diet and healthy placenta ( try very hard to eat right) 2) Get an APP called Rest and Relax ( it's a free Iphone APP for deep breathing and nice soothing sounds. Your baby will love the calming effect. I am assuming you are pregnant or is there already a baby at home ? That's amazing and time for you to imagine really enjoying, you will ! Let's start with the APP, deep breathing will prevent symptoms of light headed, wobbly legs, muscle twitches and any more. After you master that APP, we can start thinking about how you can refocus negative thoughts. Think, do you know what triggered this health anxiety ? Be Well, I hope this was helpful. This isn't complicated, trust me it's negative to positive and truly trusting us to help you ok

06-02-2013, 08:58 PM
Well that's better! Thanks for clarifying. I was pretty much calling myself a gonner. :)

Oh hey everybody, also try 250 mg of magnesium should help with those twitches until we can sweep them out the door. Defmunel check with your DR.

06-03-2013, 02:05 PM
I have twitches pretty much everyday. Mine are more so in my calves and below but I do get some in my arms now and then. I have noticed that it started after I was diagnosed with anxiety. The thing that freaked me out is it would happen when i wasnt stressed but then it realized that I tend to think a lot about things all the time so really I am in an anxious mode when they go on. I also have the body pains as well so you're not alone in any of this :). I started magnesium and it seems to help with the aging so far I believe.

06-03-2013, 03:00 PM
Heya I get twitches alot to in my legs arm and especially annoying one in my eye/ eyebrow.... As soon as I relax they disappear.... The eye one used to freak me out but I know now it won't hurt me it's just because I'm stressed out.... Really hope u can overcome them ... My doc told me exactly the same thing that its all anxiety... I even asked when I had my eyes checked they said the same xxxxxxx

06-07-2013, 11:11 AM
Heya I get twitches alot to in my legs arm and especially annoying one in my eye/ eyebrow.... As soon as I relax they disappear.... The eye one used to freak me out but I know now it won't hurt me it's just because I'm stressed out.... Really hope u can overcome them ... My doc told me exactly the same thing that its all anxiety... I even asked when I had my eyes checked they said the same xxxxxxx

Same here when my eyes starts twitching it lasts for atleast a month straight. My mom had MS but died from a heart attack, so believe me the same thoughts have ran thru my mind. I also went to eye doc he said all was well.... It was stress/ anxiety related

06-08-2013, 05:18 AM
My leg muscles twitch when at rest. It makes me a little upset but it will pass