View Full Version : Feel like im losing control!!

06-02-2013, 07:01 PM

I have had what I call an 'anxiety relapse' after feeling great for about 2 months. I cry everyday all day and have bad anxiety I don't know what to do anymore I'm scared ill end up in an institution. I thought my medication was working up until this. Has this happened to anyone?


06-02-2013, 07:22 PM
Oh yes. I'm going through something similar.

Has anything changed in the last few days? Something that has added additional stress.

Hang in there, hun.

06-02-2013, 07:33 PM

I've realized that anxiety has ebbs and flows. Some months I'll be fine, others will be horrible. Honesty my anxiety didn't affect me too much until I had my first panic attack. Then I've noticed the anxiety lingering a lot more than I'd like. You just need to be patient. The more you hang around and let it fester, the harder it will be to get past this episode. You need to do something to keep your mind busy. Unlike some people believe, I think that anxiety needs to be forgotten. Our problem is that we pay so much attention to our anxiety, and analyze it so much, that we forget how to live! I believe we need a break from thinking and analyzing. Once we break the cycle, we can see anxiety for what it is. Then hopefully react better the next time it comes around. Good luck!

06-02-2013, 08:13 PM
Thanks defmunel. I cannot believe how hard it is to cope with this, I struggle everyday now. I just don't think there is enough help out there for mental health which makes it so hard to come to terms with this all! I'm only 22 and feel like my life is already over.

06-02-2013, 08:17 PM
Hi ambrocious,

Absolutely nothing has changed which is why this is so distressing for me I've been on Lexapro for the last 4 months and for once felt like myself and then the last week I've crumbled. I got sick so not sure if that had anything to do with it but I think I should have gotten on track by now. I am too scared to change meds because I always seem to get every side effect possible.
I just cannot see light at the end of the tunnel and for a 22 year old that's depressing. :(
Thanks for your reply it helps to talk.

06-02-2013, 09:09 PM

I've realized that anxiety has ebbs and flows. Some months I'll be fine, others will be horrible. Honesty my anxiety didn't affect me too much until I had my first panic attack. Then I've noticed the anxiety lingering a lot more than I'd like. You just need to be patient. The more you hang around and let it fester, the harder it will be to get past this episode. You need to do something to keep your mind busy. Unlike some people believe, I think that anxiety needs to be forgotten. Our problem is that we pay so much attention to our anxiety, and analyze it so much, that we forget how to live! I believe we need a break from thinking and analyzing. Once we break the cycle, we can see anxiety for what it is. Then hopefully react better the next time it comes around. Good luck!

Well you are absolutely right anxiety needs to be " forgotten" or dismissed. It's simply Negative Thoughts taking over what should be " positive space " in your mind. Sometimes anxiety triggers are complicated and not easily figured out and you shouldn't dwell but at other times understanding what triggered it allows you to completely release the anxiety. You don't have to understand or identify the trigger but for instance if someone close to you has died and you develop horrific Panic Attacks then you probably are grieving and in addition developed a fear of death. In this case it is important to recognize it and deal with the fear. If the panic / social anxiety is stemming from verbal abuse and low self esteem, recognizing this and practicing building your self esteem is helpful. The key to getting rid of the attack ( anxiety) is by no means complicated, it's very easy. Block any thoughts of anxiety. If it isn't in your mind, it doesn't exist, that's a fact. Be Well.

06-02-2013, 09:20 PM

I have had what I call an 'anxiety relapse' after feeling great for about 2 months. I cry everyday all day and have bad anxiety I don't know what to do anymore I'm scared ill end up in an institution. I thought my medication was working up until this. Has this happened to anyone?


Chloe, Something probably happened to trigger the anxiety again. It doesn't have to complicated, it can be something very simple but it is most definitely " negative thought" self doubt ? It can be as simple as saying to yourself " I feel good, I haven't had a Panic Attack in two months". What happens is the power of suggestion takes over, your mind hears " panic" and it simply does not associate panic in a positive way. Your mind has been conditioned to think of Anxiety as negative and immediately goes to a negative mindset. Don't think about Anxiety, negative or positive because that thought fuels this disorder. Just like a song triggers memories in all of us so does talk or thoughts of anxiety. Be Well, Positive thoughts. I guarantee negative thoughts about something, whatever that was ,crept into your mind.

06-02-2013, 09:32 PM
[QUOTE=Chloe;98094]PLEASE HELP....

I have had what I call an 'anxiety relapse' after feeling great for about 2 months. I cry everyday all day and have bad anxiety I don't know what to do anymore I'm scared ill end up in an institution. I thought my medication was working up until this. Has this happened to anyone?
When my Panic Attacks first surfaced years ago I too was afraid I was having a break down and would end up institutionalized. I will tell you what my therapist told me " you "are far too rational to have suffered a break down and you will not end up in an institution. The very idea that you are logging onto the Internet, coming to a Forum to find support and guidance reflects your mind is working quite effectively, even though you don't believe that :). Anxiety is a tricky. Now the idea that you are crying a lot could possibly a depression cropping up with the anxiety. Just be kind to yourself, try to focus on the positive. Eat right and sleep right. Hormones can set this off too ? Be Well, try to stay positive.

06-02-2013, 09:34 PM

I have had what I call an 'anxiety relapse' after feeling great for about 2 months. I cry everyday all day and have bad anxiety I don't know what to do anymore I'm scared ill end up in an institution. I thought my medication was working up until this. Has this happened to anyone?


Yeah , I've gon thru stages where I seem 2b pretty ok for sumtime then suddenly sumink happens and things just go downhill ... I also thought I'd end up in a mental institute and sumtimes I wanted that , to be in a room all by myself ... Obviously wen i think back now to that thought no I wudnt want that but it's hard wen yr in a bad place and can't see a way out... But u will be ok , I've gone thru sum really bad episodes where I can't leave the house, don't want to wake up etc but I've cum out the other side each time ... I'm on medication but have weaned myself off them in the last few mths...

Hope u have a better day 2mrw ( 2day )

06-02-2013, 10:14 PM

I have had what I call an 'anxiety relapse' after feeling great for about 2 months. I cry everyday all day and have bad anxiety I don't know what to do anymore I'm scared ill end up in an institution. I thought my medication was working up until this. Has this happened to anyone?


I am sorry you have had a relapse, but it is really easy to have them.

It can be either your body has changed to any meds you are on, or as a woman your body could have changed.

There is nothing to fear if you do need to go into hospital. I have been in several times. In 2011 I went into one for 7 weeks and it probably saved my life. I get suicidal with depression and anxiety and hospital is a safer place for me when I feel like that.

Since 2011 I have nearly gone back in once, and at times at the moment because of bad struggles at work and not easy at home because of my depression, I feel like I need to go in again to stay safe.

So don't worry if do need some space in a hospital, and if you do see it as a positive - place to be safe and get head rest to get better.

But otherwise, just try to focus on calmness and breathing and meditation. These will all help with getting your anxiety levels down.

It is a good idea to see your doctor though, to make sure nothing changed physically to make you feel anxious now. Mine is always my hormones have got unbalanced, so it could be something like that for you too?


06-02-2013, 10:59 PM
Hi Lin,

Thanks for your support. It's just so hard. I'm scared of losing control & everyone says its horrible in those places and ill come out worse.

I did go off the pill for a month so I'm not sure if that triggered it but its come back with vengeance!

I just want to be 'normal' again!

06-02-2013, 11:21 PM
It is not horrid in hospital if you find the right one. I have been in locked wards where you can't go out alone, and also a non locked ward too. They can be just a very safe place where you get away from everything and everyone and give yourself head space and rest to get better. You will have only heard about the bad places, but there are good hospitals out there which really help. Occupational therapists in hospitals can give you lots of techniques of how to control your anxiety and after having the rest in hospital can make you stronger so that you are able to go back to work and normal living.

So it is just a matter of finding the right place. If you do not want to go into hospital there are always retreats. I go to a lovely community near where I live where you can do courses that they run or go on their quiet weeks. The community is really nice, lovely fresh food, and time for your head to rest and get better away from home and its problems.

Coming off the pill could easily have caused you hormone problems and as you know messing with anything which causes any form of pmt can be dreadful. If it is hormonal it is best to talk to your doctor about what you are taking as they may be able to change the tablets so that they do not affect your mood.

Don't always listen to bad stories, it can be good to get rest and peace in a nice safe quiet place, but it can also be possible to get better at home if you get medical treatment and your hormones are sorted out.