View Full Version : Major health anxiety

06-01-2013, 11:37 PM
Hi, I have major health anxiety, I always think its cancer when I get a ongoing pain or ach, at the minute I've had a lower back ache for a while, (i have been a busy hairdresser for 12years now) been to the docs 3 times he sed it's nothing to worry about but obviously a dont feel like its enough to stop me worrying! It's all I think about literally 24/7, when I'm having a good day or a good couple of hours and think I haven't worried for a bit, I then get a niggle or a pain that sends me back to square one again, I know that when I stress about it it always feels worse, but how do u just accept it? Has anyone else been through this? It's making me ill the stress, I want to feel normal again and not worry any more! It competently takes over,

06-01-2013, 11:55 PM
Most folks here have health anxiety. Mine is slowly improving. The key to overcoming it is accepting that your issue is anxiety, not a physical illness, then training you brain to stop reacting to the aches and twinges that everybody experiences. You do that by enduring the pain and panic as calmly as possible while concentrating on the thought that they are harmless and temporary. Which they are. Don't fight it. Don't be impatient or frustrated, angry or ashamed. This will only add to to tension that got you here in the first place. Rest. Take a daily vitamin. Meditate or practice some positive affirmations. You do not have cancer. You have a faulty adrenal gland. Something has sensitized it and now it has a hair trigger.

06-02-2013, 12:15 AM
Thank you for your reply it means a lot, I know that when I think about it it feels worse and when I'm distracted a barely notice it, so I know this but I don't seem to put that in to account at the minute, it's so frustrating, but thanks again for your reply,

06-02-2013, 12:38 AM
Unfortunately, when the adrenalin is pumping, your brain tries to locate the source of the danger it is feeling, so it locks onto whatever it is your scared of. With me it's either the heart or I think something is wrong with my stomach. My heart fixation is due to my dad dying from heart disease. My stomach is because I had several precancerous polyps removed recently, which hemorrhaged and nearly did me in. I also have problems with driving and crowds, cause both have always made me a bit tense. The adrenalin just amplifies it all. On the flip side, if our thoughts can make us sick, they can also make us well. I try very hard to think positive, but I slip, especially if I get sick to my stomach, which happens a lot when I eat. I have reflux so my digestion is always a dicey proposition. Have you had any recent illnesses or lost a loved one? Those are pretty common triggers for anxiety.

06-02-2013, 02:03 AM
I have always been like this since I was about 6/7, always worried about cancer, but my brother was killed in January 2012, was a rough time had a court case and everything.
A suppose we all have different triggers its just what sets them off really.
Thanks again for your reply, hope your dealing with your anxiety better then me!

06-02-2013, 02:38 PM
Hi, I have major health anxiety, I always think its cancer when I get a ongoing pain or ach, at the minute I've had a lower back ache for a while, (i have been a busy hairdresser for 12years now) been to the docs 3 times he sed it's nothing to worry about but obviously a dont feel like its enough to stop me worrying! It's all I think about literally 24/7, when I'm having a good day or a good couple of hours and think I haven't worried for a bit, I then get a niggle or a pain that sends me back to square one again, I know that when I stress about it it always feels worse, but how do u just accept it? Has anyone else been through this? It's making me ill the stress, I want to feel normal again and not worry any more! It competently takes over,

I havent been told that I definitely have anxiety but the Drs say I may have anxiety, then they said I may have gastric reflux- personally I think I have the both. It only started over 2 months ago . But looking back at the previous years I think ive had it longer . I think I have health anxiety because I always think theres something wrong with me even though ive had a load of tests to say im.fine . I think its just the way anxiety makes us feel. Im the same if I feel a pain in my arm im like am I having a heartattack . Obviously I know I aint but its just how my mind reacts to it. Your not alone so dont worry x

06-02-2013, 02:49 PM
Thanks for your reply! It's just awful, like at the minute I'm really stressed out and can't shake it off, am just constantly thinking I'm seriously ill, it's really wearing me out,
Hope your coping ok thanks again for your reply means a lot

06-02-2013, 03:01 PM
Thanks for your reply! It's just awful, like at the minute I'm really stressed out and can't shake it off, am just constantly thinking I'm seriously ill, it's really wearing me out,
Hope your coping ok thanks again for your reply means a lot

I know it's horrible . I try to tell myself its just anxiety and try to keep myself busy when I can feel the thoughts coming on. Also monitor the pain over an hour but try not think of it every minute as u probably know, thinking about the pain can make it alot more worse than it is. Keep your mind busy of happy things for example : Maybe think about redecorating, or plan an event. It may help and the pain is most liekly to go away. Thankyou I try to cope as best as I can not knowing if it is 100% anxiety is annoying and makes me feel worse but im hopeful it is anxiety. Ive been told its nothing life threatening so thats reassuring but not having a definitive answer bugs me especially when they know anxiety sufferers will fear the worse. Im waiting for a 24 hour ECG for extra tests but rang the cardiology unit and they was like the waiting list is up to about 7 months :O 7 months is a ridiculous time x hope you get better soon x PM me if you ever got questions

06-02-2013, 03:18 PM
Yeh totally the pain is worse when I try to relax cos at the min relaxing isn't the best cos I'm constantly waiting for a niggle to happen, but this afternoon me and my boyfriend gutted our flat and it took a few hours and during that time I didn't notice any pain but now that its nighttime and trying to watch a film all I'm thinkin about is a pain,
I totally agree with u, the waiting is awful cos all u do it think what it might b! But the drs sed it's nothing serious so you don't need to worry, ( easier sed then done I kno)
Thanks again for your help,

06-03-2013, 11:13 AM
Spot on cobra I was a h/a suffer you need yo accept it and take it on the chin will power to do this is so hard to get but stress and anxiety are probly causing your pains as it as you stated you think you havent worried in a little while then you get these niggles its because youve reminded yourself of what your used to try to forget it once its gone or test yourself be busy for a few hours then thibk about it see if you get pains once you start thibking about it as the brain is very powerful if you do accept that is the cause hope you get better soon

06-03-2013, 02:23 PM
Thanks again for the replies!

I went back to the doctors today for my back problem, she examined me and referred me to a physio because of being a hairdresser my posture isn't good and could b causing my back pain, felt loads better for a few hours but now that I'm home and getting ready to settle I don't feel great and starting to second guess the doctor (which was the fourth doctor I've seen and sed exactly the same as the others) and stress out again! I have been worried for a good 2month now and the anxiety has been through the roof, how long does it take for the sickly anxious feelings to go?
Sorry to be a pain

06-03-2013, 03:05 PM
Depends I foind that I used to loose anxiety symptoms but gain anxiety symptoms like ide loose my appetite but stop aching or be realy tired and be really hungry it depends on when you decide to say enough :)