View Full Version : Short question about recovery

06-01-2013, 10:21 PM

so, I know pretty much everything about anxiety right now and what to do when to recover from physical symptoms. But I am not sure if I'll ever be able to recover. I was practically born with that and it's in my family and in my genetics. I have had social anxiety since I was a baby. Plus that I developed OCD when I was like 9 years old. It was pretty bad back then, got it under control by now. And since I was a kid I was always anxious about my health. I never experienced symptoms since last year when I went trough trauma and stress. On top of that I have pretty bad hormon imbalances(polystic ovary syndrome). Will be checked out for that in a few months and will get hormone treatment. I am really not anxious about my symptoms anymore but people always say:" You've to stand up to your anxiety, that's the road to recovery!" But when I can do nothing against it and I was born with that, does that mean I'll never recover? Would appreciate any advise!


06-01-2013, 10:28 PM
I think if people can live after losing their sight, limbs, major organs... If they can be happy after disfiguring accidents... Diabetes, ms, cancer... I can get through the panic attacks. It's really tough sometimes. I had a bad spell earlier today. But things could always be worse! Haha. Probably not what you want to hear, but that's what I keep telling myself.

06-01-2013, 10:33 PM
I think if people can live after losing their sight, limbs, major organs... If they can be happy after disfiguring accidents... Diabetes, ms, cancer... I can get through the panic attacks. It's really tough sometimes. I had a bad spell earlier today. But things could always be worse! Haha. Probably not what you want to hear, but that's what I keep telling myself.

You are absolutely right and are in fact battling anxiety by keeping focused on that Positive Mindset ! Good Job and yes it could a lot worse!

06-01-2013, 10:48 PM

so, I know pretty much everything about anxiety right now and what to do when to recover from physical symptoms. But I am not sure if I'll ever be able to recover. I was practically born with that and it's in my family and in my genetics. I have had social anxiety since I was a baby. Plus that I developed OCD when I was like 9 years old. It was pretty bad back then, got it under control by now. And since I was a kid I was always anxious about my health. I never experienced symptoms since last year when I went trough trauma and stress. On top of that I have pretty bad hormon imbalances(polystic ovary syndrome). Will be checked out for that in a few months and will get hormone treatment. I am really not anxious about my symptoms anymore but people always say:" You've to stand up to your anxiety, that's the road to recovery!" But when I can do nothing against it and I was born with that, does that mean I'll never recover? Would appreciate any advise!

Lui, You are predisposed to the disorder, in the same way people are predisposed to countless other genetic links, some really awful
and some really wonderful. Predisposition doesn't mean destiny, especially a destiny of misery. You understand what anxiety is about this empowers you against. Anxiety feeds off of a naive acceptance of disability. You know you can control this. Whether or not you are sensitive to anxiety is irrelevant, you know how to keep this disorder at bay and if it does happen to surface you know how to address and dismiss. It doesn't matter if you were born with it ( you weren't you were born with a genetic disposition that could have been present since you were a baby ( perhaps triggered by separation anxiety) or if you acquired it later through trauma. All of us are born with the same predisposition. Regardless the treatment is the same, face the anxiety, build your self esteem, know that it is harmless. Dismiss this, after all you can dismiss this, you can't dismiss Type 1 diabetes ( genetic link ) or addictions ( genetic linked) Cancer ( many genetic) heart disease (many genetic linked). Now think if you had a conscious choice you would choose the predisposition to anxiety over any of these. The only people that have trouble with anxiety for long periods of time are those that have difficulty dismissing it. Lui, I forgot can you understand this, should I reword ? Basically want I am saying is you know about anxiety now, you control it. Most of us were born with the predisposition like you. In some, like you ,it just surfaced when you were young that's all. All of us can be really well if we accept what anxiety is and dismiss it. Focus on positive, positive is a strong healthy mindset!

06-01-2013, 11:18 PM
I find this difficult because over 28 years all my bouts of depression have been because of hormone imbalance after birth of my son, miscarriages, ectopic pregnancy, pelvic inflammation disease many times and now the menopause. When depression is hormone driven it just has to take its path and you can't stop it but have to learn to cope with the effects. It is really hard and every time I know the route my depression is going to take until I reach the suicidal feelings and have to go into hospital. The menopause has meant it has lasted over 2 years this time and not the usual 5-6 months and also my body has rejected all usual anti depressants which I used to get a lift from so psychiatrist finding it difficult to help me and the gynaecologist is struggling to give me the two hormones I need without my mood dropping severely.
So know how hard it is for you when your symptoms are all driven by your body but you have to learn techniques to help you get on with life during it until your body balances again.
I have OCD tendencies too and have had them all my life. I don't think I will ever get over them and have even passed them on to my son. Yet again something you have to learn to control and not let it take over.
Really hard struggle and this time I have been so close to ending it it to try find peace from it all but i have to rely on mental health nurse and Crisis number to ring when I can't stop or when that doesn't work just hope love for my son and husband stops me.
Going on courses and peer support group to talk to others and on this forum helps me loads.
I hope it helps you too.

06-02-2013, 07:43 AM
Thanks for the replies! Just didn't understand one thing...
I am not dismmising my anxiety. I actually relaized that I am having that when I was around 12. I didn't reallly care about it, besides the soxial anxiety. And I worked on that a lot and it improved a bit over the years. I found really amzing peers that supported me. I was always lucky in life until that trauma I experienced few months ago.
I accept this anxiety feeling and I am totally fine if I not recover from that because I can control it. I am only iterested if the symptoms will ever dissapear?
That was only thing I dind't get. Because I am looking forward to that day when I am not derealized anymore and don't have the feeling to pass out or someone would stab me with a knife in my head...You can be honest with me! Thank you so much for helping!:)

06-02-2013, 09:56 AM
I used to get derealization sometimes as a kid. Those days it scared the shit out of me as I did not understand it. Now I do and the derealization does not bother me. It is very possible for symptoms to completely disappear.