View Full Version : midnight anxiety attack

06-01-2013, 05:21 PM
For the first time in a good while I thought I was having a heart attack at about midnight last night (not sure if it was cause I read a few fposts on here by ppl who had chest pains). Well it was the worst feeling! It all started cause I felt as if I was having vein pain... since losing weight my veins in hands and feet seem to protrude and actually feel like they ache. So last night my right foot started to hurt for a good half hr and then my hands startes and then bam... 3 hrs of checking my heart, checking veins then came heartburn (quickeze didn't help) I finally talked myself down and was able to fall asleep & now I feel like I am getting a chest infection :( My question is does anyone else on here get weird vein symptoms? It scared the crap out of me! Why would my veins protrude when at rest and ache? Im only 31 and had always been healthy until the last few months.

06-01-2013, 06:10 PM
For the first time in a good while I thought I was having a heart attack at about midnight last night (not sure if it was cause I read a few fposts on here by ppl who had chest pains). Well it was the worst feeling! It all started cause I felt as if I was having vein pain... since losing weight my veins in hands and feet seem to protrude and actually feel like they ache. So last night my right foot started to hurt for a good half hr and then my hands startes and then bam... 3 hrs of checking my heart, checking veins then came heartburn (quickeze didn't help) I finally talked myself down and was able to fall asleep & now I feel like I am getting a chest infection :( My question is does anyone else on here get weird vein symptoms? It scared the crap out of me! Why would my veins protrude when at rest and ache? Im only 31 and had always been healthy until the last few months.

Hi Willow hope your feeling better today? I also suffer that horrible feeling of having a heart attack infact last night in bed I thought it was going to happen (but im still here) its normal for your veins to protrude more so when your anxious.....so breath and you will be ok! I'm a long time sufferer of 28yrs (hugs) xx

06-01-2013, 06:31 PM
Scared44 thankyou for your response its appreciated to be reassured. I feel ok today except for feeling chesty (damn cough). All this anxiety stems back from my weight loss... damn stress! My psychologist and doc says my weight loss is due to having a terrible last 3 months (muscle and joint aches, my nana passed away, bought a house and wasnt permanent in my job and all the while my husband worked away) since the weight loss I seem to feel every body ache and I notice everything and seem to be generally sick all the time. I keep trying to tell myself that im generally healthy but my mind keeps telling me there is something is more wrong. Some of my stresses have subsided (finally settled into new house and im permanent in my job now and I am finding time to relax now). Im still losing weight and I hate that I can see all my veins more now so I stress over that :( I am trying to put a lil weight back on but so far no avail. I have been eating relatively healthy and I barely drink alcohol, each time I go to go back to the gym I get sick. Im at a loss... I wish my doc would run more tests just to be safe but I dont know how to ask.Sorry for the long post.

06-01-2013, 06:50 PM
Oh and in amongst all my anxiety the first thing I done this morning was make a doc appt... I have since canceled it as I know even with all the protruding veins and aches that I should give it a few more days before I consider seeing my doc.

06-01-2013, 07:38 PM
Oh and in amongst all my anxiety the first thing I done this morning was make a doc appt... I have since canceled it as I know even with all the protruding veins and aches that I should give it a few more days before I consider seeing my doc.

Hi Willow thats a good idea leaving it for a couple of days as you will find your symptoms will subside......anxiety can do very strange things to your whole body and mind. Hope your feeling a bit better now :) xx

06-01-2013, 09:53 PM
I still have the big ugly protruding veins in hands and feet and some muscle achyness but I feel mentally good. I just took my dog to the park to have a run as I needed some vit d and fresh air.. oh and I finally used my muscles and cleaned the pool for the first time since being in new house. So how are you feeling scared44??

06-01-2013, 11:26 PM
I still have the big ugly protruding veins in hands and feet and some muscle achyness but I feel mentally good. I just took my dog to the park to have a run as I needed some vit d and fresh air.. oh and I finally used my muscles and cleaned the pool for the first time since being in new house. So how are you feeling scared44??

Hi Willow thats great that your feeling mentally better! And good on you for getting outside for some sunshine:) your veins will go down try not to stress to much! You will be ok!! And me well Im having a very bad day my anxiety is through the roof,crying at the drop of a hat. I'm just an emotional wreck atm:( but ill get there I always do. Anyway take care and if you need to talk just PM me Im always around! (Hugs) xx