View Full Version : the chills?

08-21-2007, 04:20 PM
does anyone else get the symptom of the chills?ive had them before, with anxiet, but lately ive been feelin so cold and getting chills, and of course the more i think about it the worse it gets.i get so uncomfortable,that i cant get concentrated on anything to get my mind off of it.the parts that get the worst of the cold are my hands and feet.

08-21-2007, 05:33 PM
im not sure what to do to fix this either,it takes longer to warm up in a blanket.a hot shower feels nice, until i get out.and when i get the chills, it worries me because i dont know what these chills are doing to my body..??are they hurting it?? my anxiety started when i was very young,but looking back, the attack i had wouldve of been so easily handled. but my anxiety left,i was such a happy person, then in school,finals were coming up, and i got so worked up and nervous over them, that i had a panic attack. i had one during one of my finals too,it was embarrassing, because no one knows what ur doing?i stood up,feeling all shaky, and i told my teacher that i didnt feel good, and needed to go to the nurse.she didnt believe me, because it wasnt one of them, me holding my stomach excuses.i ended up going to the nurse, which she wasnt there,so i grabbed a paper bag and stated breathing into it.i slowly began to go away,so i went back to class.answered about 30questions and felt antsy again, and had to leave once again.the next day, i had gym, which im normally happy about, im really into sports and everything.but heart palpilations started, right during play.from then to now, ive been battling anxiety everyday, and its made me very depressed. it's so weird, when u can think back to when u didnt have anxiety and how u acted, and think whats so different from then and now?? ive been through many symptoms, i wont go into full detail, because i think the symptoms people dont know about, start happening when they read into them.thats just me though.this past couple of weeks has been hard, because my sister left for college and my parents are on a 2week cruise.so the people i talk to the most about my anxiety and understand me the best , are out of my reach.im currently staying with my aunt and uncle.my aunt, actaully takes an anti-depressenty everyday to keep away anxiety.she also drinks too much.shes had very many problems though, including the loss of 2children.ive seen on here, where people say they're comfortable with dying.and sadly ive been feeling that way. i couldnt commit suicide,but if i had to take a bullet for any friend or family,i dont think id have any resist at this point.

08-21-2007, 09:32 PM
I m not in any better position to teach you of how to cope with anxiety disorder other than to share my very own experience. Talking about cold feet and palms(extremities), I took Japanese tonic wine, considerable amount of ginger and white pepper. Thanks be to God, it worked for me.

Life must go on.

08-22-2007, 05:13 AM
Chills, like ANY anxiety symptom, are part of the anxiety state. I had this problem ALOT last winter. It was quite bothersome, considering that my body normally burns quite hot (and I am normally quite warm in cold weather). Anyway, solving this problem generally means dealing with the anxiety problem itself, as this is just a symptom. The best thing you can do is to try to stay calm about it and accept it as nothing more than a symptom. And as a symptom, it's not going to hurt you. It will subside as your anxiety subsides. Meanwhile, just try to do what you can to stay warm. As the other person said, keep warm with blankets, warm clothing, or a warm bath.

08-22-2007, 08:22 AM
You get chills because when you're under stress and anxiety your body pulls blood from your extremities and uses it for your internal organs. There's short term solutions but the long term solution is to learn relaxation techniques and cognitive skills to decrease your overall anxiety level.