View Full Version : Major anxiety

05-31-2013, 09:05 PM
These lase few months have been bad for me. Last fall I was struck by lightning got real lucky with that one except my ears still ring. Week before Christmas i got the flu. Two weeks later I got double pneumonia. While I was sick in bed then I found out the love of my life and wife of almost 25 years had herself afair and a boyfriend. That is when the anxiety started . I couldn't sleep, think straight ect. one month later I was overcome by carbon monoxide. I had been exposing myself to the Caebon monoxide all winter. I used the same heater in my shop for years but this year I insulated and sealed my shop. That trapped the carbon monoxide inside with me. After a little while if fresh air I said I was ok.I should have went to the hospital but was too stubborn. Two days later I passed out but only for a few seconds. After it happened about 10 times over the next two weeks I had a seizure and was taken to the hospital. I didn't go to docter sooner because death sounded pretty good to me at the time. At the hospital my blood pressure was 69/36 and pulse was 40. They did a few test and put me in a ambulance and sent me to another city halfway across the state. They still have not found the problem. One night in hospoita blood pressure started climbing very high. It stoped at 187/139 and pulse was 148 bpm. my head felt like it was going to pop. after about 15 minutes it droped tp 88/49 and pulse 48bpm. MY blood pressure stays about 93/56 most of the time. my pulse averages 50 bpm. before all of this i has high blood pressure and had to take meds everyday. OK back to the anxiety part my dic has me on 1/2 MG klonopin three times a day and Welbutrin. It has helped but I still have anxiety or panic attack symptoms all day just not as bad. I feel nervous and pace the floor and feel very anxious all the time. I have lost all interest in doing things I used to love to do. Camping,fishing or watching NASCAR races on TV. I don't care about any if it anymore.I can't pay attention and lost all pride in my work. Should I ask the doctor for something stronger. I don't want to be drugged out all the time. Sorry my question was so long but some background may help.

05-31-2013, 09:26 PM
These lase few months have been bad for me. Last fall I was struck by lightning got real lucky with that one except my ears still ring. Week before Christmas i got the flu. Two weeks later I got double pneumonia. While I was sick in bed then I found out the love of my life and wife of almost 25 years had herself afair and a boyfriend. That is when the anxiety started . I couldn't sleep, think straight ect. one month later I was overcome by carbon monoxide. I had been exposing myself to the Caebon monoxide all winter. I used the same heater in my shop for years but this year I insulated and sealed my shop. That trapped the carbon monoxide inside with me. After a little while if fresh air I said I was ok.I should have went to the hospital but was too stubborn. Two days later I passed out but only for a few seconds. After it happened about 10 times over the next two weeks I had a seizure and was taken to the hospital. I didn't go to docter sooner because death sounded pretty good to me at the time. At the hospital my blood pressure was 69/36 and pulse was 40. They did a few test and put me in a ambulance and sent me to another city halfway across the state. They still have not found the problem. One night in hospoita blood pressure started climbing very high. It stoped at 187/139 and pulse was 148 bpm. my head felt like it was going to pop. after about 15 minutes it droped tp 88/49 and pulse 48bpm. MY blood pressure stays about 93/56 most of the time. my pulse averages 50 bpm. before all of this i has high blood pressure and had to take meds everyday. OK back to the anxiety part my dic has me on 1/2 MG klonopin three times a day and Welbutrin. It has helped but I still have anxiety or panic attack symptoms all day just not as bad. I feel nervous and pace the floor and feel very anxious all the time. I have lost all interest in doing things I used to love to do. Camping,fishing or watching NASCAR races on TV. I don't care about any if it anymore.I can't pay attention and lost all pride in my work. Should I ask the doctor for something stronger. I don't want to be drugged out all the time. Sorry my question was so long but some background may help.

I'm so sorry my heart really goes out to you. Anxiety has made me a different person and not one I like. I am anxious 24/7 and just have a do not care factor that really bites. You deserve to be so happy. Don't let these experiences define you. Stand up and take your life back. I wish you the best :)

05-31-2013, 09:56 PM
All those things that happend could trigger a anxiety n stress response. Did you have any type of panic and anxiety before all the bad luck, struck my lightening that's like 1 in 1 million that crazy

05-31-2013, 10:13 PM
These lase few months have been bad for me. Last fall I was struck by lightning got real lucky with that one except my ears still ring. Week before Christmas i got the flu. Two weeks later I got double pneumonia. While I was sick in bed then I found out the love of my life and wife of almost 25 years had herself afair and a boyfriend. That is when the anxiety started . I couldn't sleep, think straight ect. one month later I was overcome by carbon monoxide. I had been exposing myself to the Caebon monoxide all winter. I used the same heater in my shop for years but this year I insulated and sealed my shop. That trapped the carbon monoxide inside with me. After a little while if fresh air I said I was ok.I should have went to the hospital but was too stubborn. Two days later I passed out but only for a few seconds. After it happened about 10 times over the next two weeks I had a seizure and was taken to the hospital. I didn't go to docter sooner because death sounded pretty good to me at the time. At the hospital my blood pressure was 69/36 and pulse was 40. They did a few test and put me in a ambulance and sent me to another city halfway across the state. They still have not found the problem. One night in hospoita blood pressure started climbing very high. It stoped at 187/139 and pulse was 148 bpm. my head felt like it was going to pop. after about 15 minutes it droped tp 88/49 and pulse 48bpm. MY blood pressure stays about 93/56 most of the time. my pulse averages 50 bpm. before all of this i has high blood pressure and had to take meds everyday. OK back to the anxiety part my dic has me on 1/2 MG klonopin three times a day and Welbutrin. It has helped but I still have anxiety or panic attack symptoms all day just not as bad. I feel nervous and pace the floor and feel very anxious all the time. I have lost all interest in doing things I used to love to do. Camping,fishing or watching NASCAR races on TV. I don't care about any if it anymore.I can't pay attention and lost all pride in my work. Should I ask the doctor for something stronger. I don't want to be drugged out all the time. Sorry my question was so long but some background may help.
Hi v8 crazy, No your post was perfect, it gave us a lot of information,thank you. Obviously it goes without saying you have my sympathy. It sounds like you have been on quite a run both physically and mentally. That Carbon Monoxide poisoning is horrific, never mind the affair. Anxiety surfaces after death, sickness, separation etc, it appears you have covered a lot of triggers. But I agree that it was your wife's affair that triggered the true panic. Your body was already taking a beating from the lack of sleep and poor diet, concentration etc after hearing of your wife's affair, following the flu and pneumonia. If that weren't enough you then were poisoned. This is what nightmares are made of my friend. I knew someone who was struck by lightening and died, so on the positive side, someone has your back :). I truly don't know what to say except that you came to the right place. The Wellbutrin, I suppose your Dr. Knows best but Wellbutrin is an epinephrine based antidepressant, many anxiety sufferers are sensitive to epinephrine, I know I am. I had trouble with Wellbutrin, it made me anxious comparably to SSRI's ( Celexa, Prozac, Zoloft etc..) You are clearly depressed, understandably so. That is indicated in your loss of interest in things. That weird blood pressure episode after the Carbon Monoxide Poisoning was probably remaining toxins in your body. Most likely they pumped you with IVS and gave you oxygen to clear that out of your system. The Klonopin most likely is keeping your blood pressure low. Perhaps your previous High BP before was stress related ( which would mean that it would respond to a tranquilizer as well as a BP meds. I would say above all else your depression has to be lifted. Talk to your DR about the SSRI's and your jitteriness on the Wellbutrin ( that change may be good ) ask him why he chose Wellbutrin, he may have a good reason. Remember someone is watching out for you and that is a very good thing :) Be Well, talk again. Good Luck !

05-31-2013, 10:35 PM
All those things that happend could trigger a anxiety n stress response. Did you have any type of panic and anxiety before all the bad luck, struck my lightening that's like 1 in 1 million that crazy

Before this run of bad luch I was avery happy man. No stress at all. The 1st month the doc had me on zoloft and klonopin
1/2 MG I was still anxious and not sleeping. He then gave me Welbutrin. I wonder id Maybe 1MG klonopin would help. Especially sleep.
I only get about 4 hours of sleep a night.All I know is I can't go on like this too much longer. I had the low blood pressure before I took any klonopin.
I dont drink or smoke or do drugs. Te klonopin helps the anxiety a little I can tell that is why i want to up it if he would. Maybe it would meke me sleepy.
Thanks for the replies and ideas everybody. How can life change so fast.

05-31-2013, 11:02 PM
[QUOTE=v8crazy;97896]Before this run of bad luch I was avery happy man. No stress at all. The 1st month the doc had me on zoloft and klonopin
1/2 MG I was still anxious and not sleeping. He then gave me Welbutrin. I wonder id Maybe 1MG klonopin would help. Especially sleep.
I only get about 4 hours of sleep a night.All I know is I can't go on like this too much longer. I had the low blood pressure before I took any klonopin.
I dont drink or smoke or do drugs. Te klonopin helps the anxiety a little I can tell that is why i want to up it if he would. Maybe it would meke me sleepy.
Thanks for the replies and ideas everybody. How can life change so fast.

What you may not realize is that anxiety can actually cause low blood pressure too. In some cases, this drop in blood pressure is responsible for anxiety symptoms, and if you have panic attacks it can actually increase your risk for future panic attacks. I hadn't realized you had low blood pressure before the Klonipin. The Zoloft was the other antidepressant I didn't do well with. You are clearly depressed and I personally think finding the right antidepressant is the way to go. I understand that Klonipin right now is the only thing that offers you relief but an effective antidepressant is really important. Why don't you up that Klonipin only at night and keep your daily dose the same ? You are right on that how can life change so fast but keep in mind it can and does change, often just as quickly, back to positive. There is a man where I am from that opened a successful restaurant with his best friend. His wife hooked up with his partner and best friend. He lost two of the most important people in his life and had to battle for the restaurant. He successfully bought out his partner,his wife got nothing, he met another woman and just had a baby girl. This man had been crushed but within two short years he received a one hundred percent turn around. Believe that ! Be Well !